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Welcome Sir....Welcome this is Ryan International School and you're one of it's Trustee, said the Principal.
Shaurya smilingly replied,It's a beautiful building.Proper combination of Modern and Old Architecture.
Yeah Sir this school was made in 1905 during British administration and since then it's here and we're educating students. Due to some Financial issues we decided to sell it's shares with you but seeing you it seems we made the right choice, replied Principal.
Shaurya was amused seeing such example of architecture so he decided to take a tour of whole school by himself.
Surprisingly,A woman was coming towards him but he didn't paid attention to it. In order to carry so many things in her bag she scattered all her notes on the floor.
Shit, I was already late and this happened,she screamed. She knelt on the ground and started gathering all the papers before they flew off. One of the pages went towards Shaurya and he went to give it to her.
Excuse Me, you forgot this one, asked Shaurya.
She turned around and it was none other than Anokhi.
The moment stopped for them. They were lost into each other's eyes. They walked towards each other but were stuck in the moment and didn't even had words to start the conversation.
After few mins, the silence broke as someone crashed with Shaurya runningly and they realized were in canteen.

After few mins, the silence broke as someone crashed with Shaurya runningly and they realized were in canteen

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Shaurya:Can we talk..? (hesitantly)
Anokhi:Ummm...I'm actually late for my class so I've to leave.
Shaurya:Don't worry I'm the trustee here.noone will scold you if you're with me and also I'm asking for your time so that you can help me out with the school tour as If I'm not wrong you're Teacher here.
Anokhi:(smiled a bit) Yeahh...Okayy let's start with the ground area then.
Shaurya:Nooo...I guess we're in canteen and I travelled whole night to reach to my destination so can we have some tea before going outside.
Anokhi agreed and they were having tea with pin drop silence.It was the situation where they wanted to talk to each other but weren't able to collect words or courage.'s life I mean how's your experience as a teacher here.
Anokhi:It's good.
Shaurya knew if he won't continue they'll again have that awkward silence.So he continued further.
Shaurya:Are you coming to Srishti's wedding...She'll be really happy seeing you there.
Anokhi:Noo...actually I'm not in anyone's contact so I guess she didn't invited me.
Shaurya:Stop lying Anokhi. You were one of her closest friend...How come she not invite youu???
Anokhi:Well many things changed and this one's a part of it. I didn't behaved like her closest friend and broke all ties with everyone so I'm not shock hearing that but surprised a bit as She's getting married.
Shaurya:Honestly Anokhi if that's the reason of her not inviting you then I'm with her.We decided to not let our issues to come in between of our friendships but you ignored the fact.
Also you tried so hard to get into SIAC but just because of me you left your dream place too.
Anokhi:We all have to make some tough choices and I did that too by leaving SIAC and I'm glad I made that choice cause I always wanted to support other Anokhi's for their dreams and as a teacher I got that chance.So...NO REGRETS!!
Shaurya:(in his mind) You've no regrets but what about me I've suffered with all this guilt in these two years that I made you leave SIAC, I snatched away your dream but now no more Anokhi I love you but that doesn't mean you've got the right to play with my emotions...and I'll make you realize that Love isn't so easy to give up!!
Anokhi:Shaurya...Shaurya...where are you lost??
Shaurya:Ummm....Noo Nothing I guess we should go for the tour.
Anokhi agreed and they were having a tour of the school together.She told him about School's financial,cultural and economical status but Shaurya was all lost in her. She was changed so much...She looked so mature to him and he was again falling for her.
For once he wanted to hold her bubbly,shiny cheeks and just wanted to kiss her but somehow controlled his emotions.
Anokhi:If you don't mind can I ask you something??
Shaurya:Yeah Sure!!
Anokhi:How's Aastha Mam... I mean I'm not in her contact too.earlier I used to ask Trisha about her but after I forget to wish her on birthday she hates me and she's not even answering my call.
Shaurya:She's good and Infact we've sorted all our issues and we're a happy family now. Me and Dad often travel to Bareiley to meet her and I  live there only more than Sabharwal Mansion.
Anokhi:(excitingly)Wow!!That's amazing.I didn't expected this surprise.
Shaurya:Well life is full of unexpected things.I also didn't expected many things but happened with me.
Anokhi gave guilty expressions as she knew he's talking about her.
She wanted to ask him about his life too but was confused if she should?
Suddenly,his phone rang and he went other side to talk.
Anokhi:(talking to herself) Ohhh... I really wanna know if he's single or with someone already. But how could I... It's not even my right to ask and the way he's taunting me I don't think he'll reply this so easily.
Shaurya:Anokhii...I've gotta go... This one's really urgent and Aashi is waiting for me.
Anokhi:(surprisingly)Who's Aashi..?
Shaurya:Ohh she's my girlfriend and she's accompanying me in my trip to Lucknow.
Anokhi's heart sinked listening to that. It seemed as if someone has stabbed knife on her heart. She wanted to cry but controlled herself and nodded her head in agreement.
Shaurya:Byee...See you Soon
Anokhi:(instantly )When?
Shaurya:Umm...anytime you're teacher here I'm trustee now we'll get to meet constantly.
Shaurya was leaving and Anokhi was standing still seeing him leave.She felt in her heart as she wanted to stop him.She wanted to hug cry, cry in comfort and release all the pain she had in these two years by staying apart from him but she just couldn't do that....
And Shaurya was leaving with so much of happiness that now he has a chance to get back the love of his life and now again it was the battlefield of  love and Shaurya Anokhi were on different sides!!
Ahhh..... Here we go again❤❤🔥🔥