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Anokhi... Anokhi... Where are you lost at, I've been calling you from past 10 mins asked Trisha.But Anokhi had no answer to that. She had just come putting all her happiness on sake just for her self-respect and couldn't in that condition to express herself as noone in their group knew about her relationship with Shaurya till now.
Actually I'm not feeling well,might be having a headache nothing else, replied Anokhi.
Okay, Then let's go to canteen we'll have some coffee and it'll cure your headache.
They reached the Canteen and Anokhi wasn't ready to see Shaurya at that time but unfortunately he was there too.
Ofcourse it would be awkward but she had that uncanny knack of chasing her dreams or you may call it her 'Zid'. So she sat right infront of Shaurya and behaved as if nothing happened.
Shaurya also understood why is she behaving like this because they were a part of group,whatever happens with them definitely affect their friendship's dynamics so before getting sure about each other they couldn't inform others.
On the other side, Srishti was fuming with jealousy seeing Shiv with some other girl. They were happy together but she definitely wasn't.
Anokhi warned her to control her emotions as noone knows about Srishti and Shiv too.
It was all a spiral of confusing relationshipus amongst their friendships.
Heyy Guys so who's going to file their nomination as next Leader of Student Union,excitingly asked Aahir.
Definitely Shaurya..Afterall he's best in all the fields and Winner of Student of the Year too so he'll be elected,replied Deep.
Listening to that Shaurya and Anokhi had an eyelock as they both knew the mess they created on Student Of the Year Finale Round.
But Why Shaurya only,I mean Anokhi was the runner up too so why can't she be the leader, asked Trisha.
Have you lost it Trisha,I'm not into this leader and politics thing.I'm a simple girl and I'd love to be the same, opposed Anokhi.
But Why not... You can do this Anokhi than why to underestimate yourself,asked Aahir.
Guys... I guess I've to leave as to fill up the nomination too, replied Shaurya and left.
Wait Shaurya, If Anokhi agrees then you both should go together to fill up the forms, insisted Deep.
No Deep, she's not into all this and I don't think she can do this!!
It's a tough responsibility and she's not ready for it, replied Shaurya.
Listening to Shaurya's words Anokhi fumed with anger. How could he decide if she's capable for something or not... She was confused until got interuppted by Yug asking Anokhi to sign the form as he already filled it and he trust her.
Anokhi was in dilemma but she wanted to prove that she's no less than men So she also agreed to file the nomination.
Shaurya was shocked by her decision as she was the one opposing it earlier and thought she agreed because Yug asked her to do so.
After a while Yug called Anokhi to meet him on terrace.
Anokhi:Why'd you called me here
anything important??
Yug:(nervously) Yes Anokhi actually you were insisting me that day to apply for my internship under famous wildlife Photographer.So I sent him the letter and he agreed for my internship!!
Anokhi:What...Really!!I'm so happy for you Yug. I knew you'll do wonders if you'll turn your hobby into career opportunity.
Yug:Yeah Anokhi and ofcourse it was you who pushed me towards it so wanted to inform you before anyone else.
Anokhi:Aww...that's so sweet... Now let's go we'll tell everyone.
Yug:Anokhi Wait... I've something else to tell you too.
Anokhi:(surprisingly)Mmm...Now what Yug??
Yug:You know you're not the first one to insist me for doing this but you were the first one i paid attention to.
I don't know when did it happen but being with you is my best hobby currently and I'll have to leave next week for my internship so wanted to confess before leaving that I really like you Anokhi!!
Anokhi was stunned listening to this...already she's been struggling to make her relationship with Shaurya work and now another unexpected situation!!
She was definitely not ready for this but realized she's ready to tell Yug about Shaurya Atleast.
Yug was broken listening to that but controlling his emotions he asked,
Yug:Are you serious Anokhi...You love Shaurya!! I mean there's nothing wrong in it but the more I know he's not into girls like you... I mean don't take me wrong but career-oriented girls!!
Anokhi:I know Yug and that's the reason everything's so messed up but little more I know he promised me to change the scenario and I trust him.
Yug:I hope your trust wins Anokhi and I wish you all the best for your future.
It was the conversation between two mature people but it did took a vulnerable turn.
Everyone were guessing why Yug called Anokhi alone and Aahir told about Yug proposing Anokhi as he knew it earlier.
I'm sure Anokhi will say Yes afterall they share such a great bond..this isn't a surprise for me, replied Srishti.
Also Yug was talking to Shiv that he'll be grateful for Anokhi for what she has done.
Unfortunately,Shaurya heard it.
He didn't wanted to trust all that but it wasn't easy for him to ignore what happened between Anokhi and Yug in all these days. He did noticed it then but Anokhi only love him was the relief he had but now she can choose Yug...? She can Move On!! But,
Here I cancelled my nomination of being the Student Union's Leader for Anokhi... Just cause she wanted to do it too and I've to compromise for her progress as she'll gain some leadership qualities and here she's moving on... Can't she remember what convo we had, Shaurya thought.
Suddenly he saw Anokhi coming towards him and she had a flower in her hand.She wsnted to tell him about Yug's proposal but he already had his arguments ready.
Shaurya:Congratulations for your relationship with Yug(sarcastically).
She was confused hearing Shaurya's words but realized where this all's going.
Anokhi:Listen Shaurya... It's not what you think.Listen to me and you'll understand.
Shaurya:Oh Please Anokhi!! I'm not a kid so you can't convince me with your talks. I thought we had decided to give our relationship a chance...I thought you're ready to give me a chance but you Moved On!!
Amazing (clapping)
Anokhi:Shut Up Shaurya you're being over dramatic now. Alteast listen to me once.
Shaurya:I'm not being over dramatic Anokhi. I'm being realistic and don't worry I'm not gonna doubt on your intentions.Ofcourse we kinda broke up you had all the right to Move On.
But Atleast you should've that courtesy to inform me.Cause I was trying to change for you. I bloody hell took back my name from nomination to give you the platform to rise and you put me down.
Wow...I think I should leave.You should spend some quality time with your new boyfriend.
Anokhi was shattered.Shaurya didn't even listened to her.She ran towards the washroom with tears in her eyes
And Trisha saw her crying there. She consoled her.
They both were in situation they never wanted to be...the Trust issues and insecurities they had were harming their love and they didn't realized it!!

They did love each other passionately but didn't realized it's not strawberry world and with love challenges do come and you can only overcome them by trusting your partner,by communicating with them

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They did love each other passionately but didn't realized it's not strawberry world and with love challenges do come and you can only overcome them by trusting your partner,by communicating with them...