59 - Y/n's Investigation

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Y/n heard he phone ring twice before the other line picked up. She sighed. "You got it?"

"You know i do. I just sent it to you."

Y/n felt her phone vibrate. "Alright. I'll wire you the money. Thanks a lot, Kouji." Y/n hung up the call and immediately connected her phone to her laptop. 

What could she be up to, you may ask? Well...

Y/n's eyes quickly scanned her files and she clicked on a security camera's recorded video. The one she sent Kouji to retrieve. 

A security camera positioned in a specific angle, in a convenience store, where she would be able to see what had really happened that night. (*referring to the end of chapter 51: Picnic pt 3)

That night that Goo had picked Y/n up, they had passed by where Little Daniel worked. But she saw Big Daniel there with him too, thpugh she couldn't see Little Daniel's face all that well. 

They seemed to be laughing and talking as they both stood behind the counter of the convenience store. Though Y/n already apologized about assuming Daniel had two bodies, she wasn't all that convinced either. 

She wanted to be right...but for some reason she wanted to be wrong as well. She didn't want to think that Daniel had been lying to her the entire time. 

But even if he was...he had a good reason to. At least she'd be able to know that much. 

Y/n pressed play on the video and...

"I-I KNEW IT!" Y/n slapped her hand over mouth as she watched through a different angle as Big Daniel and DUKE spoke to one another behind the counter. 

It was never LITTLE DANIEL. It was Duke who dhe had seen talking to Daniel. So that meant...she was right. There was still a possibility she was right about Daniel having two bodies. 

She had to be. 




"Keep them face down. Male sure you mark them correctly." The teacher announced as the sheets of paper were passed back by rows. 

Y/n fiddled with her pencil as she eyed the back of Daniel's head. She couldn't stop thinking about what she had witnessed. 

She knew now, for sure, that she was right. Daniel had two bodies. 

"Don't look anywhere else but at your paper. If i catch you, that's an instant F." The teacher finished. "Begin."

Y/n began to andwer her questions the best she could as fast as she could. But she could stop thinking about Daniel. 

She needed to catch him somehow. Just believing that he had two bodies wasn't enough. She needed some type of proof. 

Y/n's eyes slowly traced up to Daniel again. She stared at him as he quickly scribbled on his paper his answers and scanned them once or twice. 

She wat hed him sigh in satisfaction, then place his pencil down and lay his head in his arms. 

Y/n gasped, quietly. 'He wouldn't!'

Y/n gripped her pencil as she watched Daniel doze off 10 minutes into the test. 

'There's no way he'd cheat! ...right?? I mean... If he falls asleep now...then he'll wake up in a few minutes and answer the questions! He's cheating!?' Y/n couldn't help but grit her teeth.

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