64 - Fake Bank Account [Pt V]

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***Its here y'all. Get ready~***




"You all... will be punished."

The snickering and insults only got louder in the room. Some even went back to their business, ignoring the newcomer.

Vasco saw, in the corner of his eyes, a man raise his hand, in realization. "Oh! Hey, I'm Power Gumdam. You want the account?"

The guy approached Vasco, sticking his hand behind his pants, as if grabbing something from his back pocket. "Here's your..." But once close enough, the guy surprised Vasco with a sudden attack to his face. "...account." The man snickers.

Blood spurted out of Vasco's nose as, by the impact, his head is thrown back roughly.

Some men from the back laugh, hysterically. "You believed him??!"

"Ahaha!! What a damn loser-"

Vasco recovered from the surprise attack as soon as the man struck him. Vasco grasped the man's wrist and gmared at him, angrily.

Before he knew it, the strange high schooler had tighten his grip, causing his wrist to crack under the unexpectedly strong pressure.

Vasco, emotionlessly, pulled on the man's arm, then slapped his palm over his face, pushing the man's head into the ground.

Vasco sent a cold stare around the room, seeing everyone now on edge.

"He broke his arm!!"

"Get him!!!"


"You bastard!!!"

Vasco watched as one of the men jumps into the air, the ball of his foot aimed towards Vasco's eyes. Vasco merely grabs the cocky bastard's foot and drags him out of the air, pulling his body over his shoulder and throwing him against his comrades that ran towards him to overpower the high schooler.

Jin watches as Vasco pushed through the mob, beating one guy after another, landing each hit with a sloppy order, but very intense amount of strength.

One bulky guy wraps his arms around Vasco's neck and shoulder, supposedly trapping him in a headlock. In cause of his failed efforts, Vasco slammed his fist against the bald man's face three times, a snapping nose coming after the sudden spurt of blood, making the gang cringe and rethink their strategy to attack all at once.

One even thought of grabbing a chair, taking a swing at Vasco, but not making it too far. Vasco pushing his palm against his face, pushing him out of the way.

The guy stumbles backwards, crashing into his friends as Vasco pushes through, beating one gangster after another.

They all piled up on Vasco, trying to bombard him and make him lose focus, but the more they did so, the angrier Vasco became.




"You're... better than i thought..." Jin comments, dully. "...Burn Knuckle."

Vasco wiped the splatter blood off of his face, not sparing a glance to the unconscious gangsters surrounding his feet.

Vasco glanced up at Jin with a pointed look as Jin stands up from his spot on the couch, next to the blonde. "You're here to wipe us out? On your own?" Him asks, boredly.

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