78 - Runaway Fam. [Part I]

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A/N: Time for a speed-run of a filler episode leading up to the Runaway Fam Arc! Read it, and stay up to speed!

Before this arc is a filler arc of the "Jaedaichi files" (Ep 215-218). There was an ongoing investigation of a missing wallet filed to the assistant principal by a student named Jasmine. This began with the assistant principal attempting to find a reason to expel Vasco (because he believes Vasco is the root of all the problems at J High. He also wants a promotion.), so Jasmine's "lost" wallet was a good reason to frame and expel Vasco. This arc is basically the "Boy who cried Wolf' story. Everyone finds out that Jasmine only faked losing her wallet because she wanted attention. At the end of that filler arc, Mira hangs out with Jasmine to be nice after getting a bad rep with the J High students and faculty b/c of her lies. Jasmine starts another issue by selling spit and undergarments to perverts online, claiming they're Mira's. She gets caught in the end but doesn't come home after being busted by Zack and one of the perverts buying from her. Zack had also beat up the pervert trying to buy "Mira's" spit and stockings, and had a serious one-sided conversation with Jasmine. Zack then left, leaving Jasmine in silence. Unfortunately, Jasmine disappeared after that and never went to school or home.

A/N: Now you're up to speed! Let's continue. Enjoy the chapter!



"PLEASE!" A desperate cry is heard in the Fashion Dept. classroom, gaining every student's attention. A man was knelt in front of Mira's desk, holding one of her hands in the two of his, with desperation. "I heard you were the last one to meet Jasmine! Has she contacted you recently??" The man cried. He was Jasmine's father.

"She hasn't... some home these past few days..." The man wept. Mira sweatdropped, feeling sympathetic towards the grieving father. "No... I'm sorry, i haven't seen her..."

"Are you sure--?"

As the man continued to try to get Mira to say something that would hint towards where his daughter could have disappeared to, Zack's ears burned to hear the conversation. He had his head laying down on his desk, with a blank look on his face. 'Was it... my fault?' He thought to himself as he watched the older man leave the classroom with a sulking look on his face. Zack quickly got over it and turned his head to face the wall as the man's desperate pleads quieted down behind him. 'Whatever! It's her fault anyways! Why should i care...!'

Zack's eyes were caught by three male figure hunching over a single desk, whispering suspiciously to each other.

Zack muttered to himself, in curiosity. "What are they up to?" He promptly rose from his seat and and began to take quiet steps towards them.

"I'm saying..!"

"Look at those thighs, man..."

"God Damn...!"

"Kekeke... i would assume Zoe's into this, but Mira? That came off as a surprise...!"


The three guys were pushed to the side as Zack peered at what they were watching on Doo's phone. Zack's eyes popped as he noticed the picture. It was Mira in a cutesy selfie, with a caption that said, "I'm lonely today. Please buy my panties (selling) Used clothes!"

Zack snatched the phone, gripping it tightly in his palm.

Doo trembled slightly along with his lackeys. "Z-Zack, i-it's probably fake! I mean, it wasn't us! We didn't do this! I swear!"

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