Chapter Three

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Me: Mmm! This banana cake recipe that Gene got from Blue's Clues looks good!

Tommy: You're still sharing that with us, right Gene?

Gene: Well...

Me: Come on...we all know that sharing is caring.

Gene: But some of us can't eat any cake or we won't be able to fit in our outfits when we go on tour.

(*At that moment, the king of pop Michael Jackson appeared out of nowhere*)

Me: APPLEHEAD! *teleports myself over to Michael to give him a hug*

Michael Jackson: *laughs* Hi Emily! *also gives me a hug*

Suzy: Hey Michael!

KellerSinger18: What are you doing here?

Michael Jackson: Well, a little birdie told me that there's free samples of freshly-made banana cake.

Vinnie: Did you tell him Emily?

Me: No I didn't.

Vixen91: *giggles* I did.

Tommy: You did?

Vixen91: Yes, I sent Michael a message earlier through the eye of the Starchild.

Paul: Wait...what?

Eric Singer: Now, Vixen91 can send messages from the eye?

Eric Carr: *shrugs his shoulders* Seems like it.

Michael Jackson: And who's this?

Dixie the fox: *yips and then sniffs Michael's hand, making him giggle*

Me: That's Dixie! She's my new pet fox that I adopted after she stole my phone and then we bonded with each other.

Michael Jackson: Aww! *pets Dixie and gently rubs her neck* She's a sweet little fox.

Gene: Fine. I'll share the cake with you guys.

Suzy: Hooray!

Eric Carr: *has already gotten a piece of banana cake* Yummy! 😋

Me: *laughs* Eric! Save some for everyone else!

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