Chapter Twenty-Two

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(*The aftermath of the battle of the bands...*)

(*A few days later...*)

Me: *comes in through the front door of the spare building* Dixie! Cinnamon!

(*The host's tortishell cat Cinnamon comes running towards her, and then Dixie runs to greet Vinnie*)

Suzy: Hi Emily! Cinnamon and Dixie were both such well-behaved pets!

Eric Carr: *chuckles as Vinnie is trying to keep Dixie from jumping on his knees* Yes, they behaved well.

Dixie the fox: *yips and then sniffs my pregnant belly*

Vinnie: Whoa there, take it easy on her, Dixie. *smiles and then pets Cinnamon*

Cinnamon the cat: *meows*

Eli: *laughs* Dixie is so silly!

KellerSinger18: *giggles* Yes she is.

Me: *sits down on the sofa as I'm a little bit tired* Whew! 😮‍💨

Cinnamon the cat: *jumps up on the sofa to snuggle up in my lap*

Me: Hey Cinnamon...I'm a little tired after me and Vinnie went shopping for some baby things.

Ace: Hi y'all!

Dixie the fox: *yips excitedly and then immediately goes after Ace*

Ace: ACK!

Me: *yawns* Dixie, please settle down.

Vinnie: *helps Ace get Dixie off of him*

Peter: Emily, are you okay?

Me: *doesn't answer as I've fallen asleep while laying down on the sofa* 😴

Cinnamon the cat: *purrs while sleeping next to me*

Vinnie: Shh...don't wake her up. *covers me up with a blanket, kissing me on the cheek as he did so*

(*Everyone else goes to do something quiet while the host and her cat take a nap*)

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