Chapter Twenty-Three

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(*It's only been a few weeks, and the host was already showing signs of her pregnancy*)

Me: *is sitting next to Dixie the fox while watching a show called Bones*

Vixen91: How are you feeling Emily?

Me: Yesterday, Vinnie thought it was a good idea to take me out in my animal form to see a veterinarian for an ultrasound.

Eric Carr: That's silly!

Me: I agree!

Vinnie: *comes into the living room with a book called Parenting 101* Well, you're kind of half-cat...

Me: *frowns* No I'm not.

Vinnie: Yes you are. Your kissterian form is a black cat.

Me: *is starting to feel frustrated* 😤 NO I AM NOT!

Dixie the fox: *jumps with a startle*

Vinnie: Baby, please don't raise your voice at me.

Me: *my eyes are glowing a hot pink color*

Vinnie: Oh my God. *backs a few feet away from me* What's going on with my mate?

(*At that moment, Paul and the present-day Kiss members arrive at the spare building*)

Paul: Whoa! My connection is really hyped up today!

Eric Singer: Mine too!

Tommy: Same here.

Gene: Same here.

Vinnie: Um...guys? Something is wrong with Emily.

Eric Carr: And she even yelled at Vinnie!

Paul: It's probably her hormones acting up because she's pregnant.

Me: *glares at Vinnie and then switches to my animal form and chases him with sharp claws while growling and snarling*

Ace: Oh crud!

Eric Singer: Watch out Vinnie!

Vinnie: *fearfully makes a golden force field with his KISSterian powers* Somebody please tell me how to calm her down before she eats me alive.

Vixen91: She won't eat you.

Me: *swats my paw at Peter when he tries to grab me*

Peter: Yikes! Someone's a little cranky.

Paul: *uses the power of KISSteria to see inside me through the eye* It seems like Emily is having one of those mood swings.

Vinnie: Please tell me that it's only temporary.

Paul: She'll calm down when she tires herself out.

(*After a while, the host feels better and she isn't in a bad mood anymore*)

Me: *meows sadly* 😿 (I'm sorry Vinnie!) *gently paws at Vinnie's golden force field*

Vinnie: *makes his force field disappear* It's okay, love. You were just having a mood swing.

(*Vinnie picks the host up in her animal form and holds her in his arms, then sits down on the sofa*)

Me: *nuzzles Vinnie's cheek and begins purring* 😽

Vinnie: *chuckles* Aww, you're so sweet baby.

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