Chapter Seven

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(*After all nine of the Kiss guys left for the studio...*)

Me: Okay girls! We've got lots of thins to do around here for Suzy and the Fox's baby shower.

Eli: *takes out a box of party decorations* I've got the decorations baby shower!

Me: Cool!

Vixen91: I'm making the appetizers and then I'll be getting the drinks.

Me: And no alcohol or whiskey right?

Vixen91: Oh no, there isn't going to be of that.

Suzy: That's good! Because we definitely don't want another reminder of Ace and his shenanigans.

Me: *giggles* No we do not.

(*So, the girls get to work right away on getting everything ready ready for thebaby shower*)

(*Two hours later...*)

Me: Whew! That sure was a long of work.

Suzy: *wipes the sweat from her forehead* You said it Emily!

Vixen91: Well, we better take our showers so we can get ourselves ready for the baby shower.

Eli: Let's do it!

(*The girls teleport to their bedrooms to start getting themselves ready*)

Me: *steps out of the shower after about fifteen minutes* I can't wait to show Vinnie what I'm wearing...ooh...he's gonna be so surprised!

(*Ignore the model*)

(*Ignore the model*)

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