Chapter Twenty-Four

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Me: *is standing in front of my large aquarium that's got box jellyfish inside*

Me: *is standing in front of my large aquarium that's got box jellyfish inside*

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Vinnie: I still don't get why they can actually see where they're going.

Me: *smiles* They just can. *then feels the baby moving around in my belly* Ooh...! I guess our little one likes watching the box jellyfish swimming in the aquarium.

Vinnie: *gently rubs my pregnant belly* Mhmm...🙂

(*Meanwhile, in the Fox and Suzy's bedroom...*)

Suzy: *moans deeply* Yesss...take me right now my sexy pipsqueak! 🥰

Eric Carr: *growls playfully* I'll take you to a new place...😍

Suzy: *gently bites the Fox's earlobe* Mmm-mm! 😚

(*And the kissing begins...*)

Tommy: *walks over to the bedroom door that belonged to the Fox and his vixen* Hey! Take it easy with your sexy woman, will ya? 😉

Eric Carr: *growls sexily and licks Suzy's neck, taking a gentle nibble on her soft spot* Not a chance, Tom Tom!

Tommy: *chuckles* Whatever you say, pipsqueak. *walks away* 🤣

Eric Carr: *glares playfully* I'm not a pipsqueak!

Paul: *laughs* You're shorter than me or Gene, buddy.

Eric Carr: Very funny, lover boy. 😈

Gene: 😂

Ace: 😂

Vinnie: 😂

Eric Singer: 😹

Peter: 😹

Paul: 😂

Me: 😂

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