Chapter Seventeen

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(*Ace points his thumb backwards to teleport him and the other Kiss guys into the living room*)

Paul: Hey! *smiles* What's all the excitement about Emily?

Me: Today, I am daring all nine of you knuckleheads to do a spooktacular dare.

Ace: I want to know what the dare is, curly! ACK!

Me: You guys have all been dared by me to do...*holds up a flashlight underneath my chin to make myself look scarier*...the Try Not To Scream challenge.

(*All the guys (except for Vinnie) are really excited about the doing this particular dare*)

Eric Carr: Hey Vinnie, you look a little pale. Something wrong?

Vinnie: *is scared about the dare* I-I don't think I can do this. It scares me so much.

Me: Aww! You don't have to do the Try Not To Scream challenge if you don't want to. I won't force you because I know that you're scared of anything to do with horror movies.

Vinnie: *smiles nervously* T-thank y-you Emily. I'll be right here waiting if you need me.

(*The poor Ankh Warrior puts his favorite Egyptian-themed blanket over his head and then uses his KISSterian powers to make himself invisible*)

Eric Singer: He's really scared that bad, isn't he?

Me: Yeah. For as long as I've known about Vinnie, he's always been terrified of horror movies ever since he was a kid.

Baby Gia: Ankhle? *crawls underneath the blanket where Vinnie is hiding and when she finds him, she wraps her tiny hands around him*

Vinnie: Thank you, sweetie. *hugs Baby Gia close to him, giving her a kiss on her small kitty head*

KellerSinger18: *smiles* Okay sweetie, it's time for your nap. *picks up Baby Gia in her arms and carries her to the bedroom so she can sleep in her crib*

Me: Alright guys! Since Vinnie doesn't want to be apart of this, I've asked Michael Jackson to come over so he can be on the Fox's team! claps hands to teleport the king of pop over to the spare building*

Michael Jackson: Oh! *looks around in confusion, and then laughs* Hi everyone!

All of nine of the Kiss guys: Hi Michael Jackson!

KellerSinger18: *comes back into the living room after laying Baby Gia down in her crib for a nap* Hey Michael! *gives MJ a hug* Where are you kids?

Michael Jackson: *giggles* Hi sweetheart. *hugs KellerSinger18 back* They're at my mother's house for a sleepover with my brothers.

Me: Okay everybody, let's do this! Glitter britches and Ace, you two go first.

Michael Jackson: *giggles* Glitter britches? That's so silly! 😆

Paul: *gives me a playful glare* Aha. Aha. Real funny Emily.

Me: Okay, so I'll set up this TV and we'll see if you're brave enough. Remember guys, whoever screams looses a point. And, whoever has the most points from each team wins a prize!

Paul: Bring it on! I'm not scared of anything.

Me: *giggles* Okay...*puts the cursed tape from The Ring into the VHS player, and then turns the TV on*

Paul: Huh?

(*All the lights turn off by themselves*)

Paul: OH NO! 😱

(*Samara comes up from the well and crawls out of the TV screen*)

Paul: *backs away from Samara and watches in horror as she walks towards him*

Me: *scares Paul* BOO!


Me: Hahahhahaha! I scared ya! 😂

Gene: I'll admit, that was a good one Emily.

Me: Why thank you Gene.

Paul: Well, at least Samara didn't kill me and I get a point because I never screamed.

(*The host writes down a line to indicate that the Starchild didn't scream*)

Me: Hey...where did everybody go?

(*All nine of the KISS members have decided to chicken out from the Try Not To Scream challenge*)

Me: Michael, you still here?

Michael Jackson: Yep! *is sitting on the sofa*

Me: Well, I guess that since the guys from KISS chickened out, you have won the Try Not To Scream challenge!

Michael Jackson: Yay! What's my prize?

Me: *giggles* Here you go Applehead! *gives the king of pop a bag of Halloween candy*

Michael Jackson: Mmm! 😋 This candy looks delicious. Thank you for the Halloween candy. *gives me a hug and a kiss on the forehead*

Me: Aw! 😊

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