Chapter Thirteen

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Me: HOLY MOLY! We're getting another baby here!

Bruce: I already called an ambulance, so it should here in a few minutes.

(*An ambulance pulls into the driveway*)

Me: *checks phone* Wow! Perfect timing!

Paul: Alright, people! Let's get going!

Suzy: *groans loudly painfully*

(*The ambulance crew help carry Suzy on a stretcher to be put into the ambulance*)

Eric Carr: Can I go with her? Please...I'm the father!

Ambulance crew member: Hop in!

Ace: *points his thumb backwards to teleports the rest of us the Kiss limo*

Paul: To the hospital!

Tommy: Away!

(*In just ten minutes, we all arrive at the hospital just as the ambulance pulls up into emergency room parking lot*)

Everyone: *jumps out of the limo*

Eric Singer: We're her close friends! Let us in!

Nurse: Sir, I don't think—

Eric Carr: OH FOR GOSH DARN SAKE, JUST LET US IN ALREADY! *his eyes glow orange*

Nurse: O-okay...right this way everyone.

(*The nurses and doctors lead us to the delivery room where Suzy is about to give birth*)

Suzy: *breathes in and out*

Eric Carr: *holds Suzy's hand and wince when Suzy squeezes it hard*

Doctor: Okay, let's do this.

(*The doctors and nurses all put on reusable gloves and surgical masks for protection against germs and bacteria*)

Nurse: You guys better put on a mask too.

Gene: Yes we should.

Me, the girls, (except for Suzy) and the other guys: *all put on a mask*

Nurse: Okay Suzy, start pushing as much as you can.

Suzy: *groans and pushes as much as she can* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

(*A baby's cry can be heard*)

Eric Singer: There she is!

Paul: Aww...she's beautiful.

Doctor: *carefully hold the baby while washing it in the sink*

Nurse: *takes the baby from the doctor and wraps it up a pink blanket* Congratulations

Doctor: You two have a beautiful baby girl.

Suzy: *slowly takes the baby from the doctor* Awww...She's so cute, isn't she my foxy?

Eric Carr: *wipes the tears of joy with the side of his hand* Yes she is.

Vinnie: Well, will you look at that. She's half fox.

Suzy: Ooh! She IS half fox. *pets the baby's fox ears gently and she snuggles deeper into Suzy's chest*

(*At that moment, Michael Jackson and his three children came in to see the new baby*)

Michael: Hi! *waves at everyone*

Me: Hey Applehead! You're just in time.

Eric Carr: *is smiling lovingly at the new baby* Yeah, and she's half fox.

Michael Jackson: Aww

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Michael Jackson: Aww...*gently touches the baby's head* She's so sweet.

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