Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(*The next day...*)

Vinnie: *is sleeping in bed next to me, with his arms wrapped around me protectively*

Me: *is sleeping peacefully while snuggling close with Vinnie underneath the blankets*

(*Out of nowhere, something white and furry began tugging on the blankets*)

Vinnie: *wakes up to see a white wolf with a startle* WHAT THE HELL?!

Me: *wakes up with a startle* Huh?!

Vinnie: Oh baby, I'm sorry for waking you up.

Me: *yawns* It's okay Vinnie.

(*Then, Eric Carr came running into the Egyptian bedroom in his fox form and when the white wolf saw him, they began to play together*)

Vixen91: *whispers* Eric Carr! Get back here!

White wolf: *pants happily and runs out of the Egyptian bedroom with the Fox chasing after him*

Me: *has already fallen asleep*

Vinnie: *whispers quietly so he doesn't wake me up* Where did you get a white wolf?

Vixen91: *giggles as her new pet white wolf comes running back into the Egyptian bedroom, along with Eric Carr* Tommy gave it to me, he brought it home from a breeder.

Vinnie: Oh, okay.

Vixen91: *whispers* How's Emily doing?

Vinnie: *whispers* She's doing fine. I was worried at first, but I think there isn't gonna be anymore drama from the rest of her family.

Vixen91: *whispers while smiling* That's good to hear.

Eric Carr: *grabs a chew toy with his mouth, and when he bites it, it makes a squeaky sound*

Me: *wakes up with a startle* What?!

Vinnie: *playfully glares at Eric Carr* You woke her up, she needs her rest.

Suzy: *comes into the Egyptian bedroom wearing fox pajamas* 🥱 I heard noises, what's going on Vixen91?

Me: That foxy little bandit of yours woke me up and—*feels a sudden urge to vomit* 🤢

Vixen91: Uh oh...

Suzy: What's wrong Emily?

Vinnie: *watches as I quickly run to the bathroom*

Me: *vomits in the toilet* 🤮

Suzy: The poor thing...

Vinnie: I know, she's been having morning sickness for the past few days.

Me: *comes back into the Egyptian bedroom after I'm done* Uggh...that was awful. 😒

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