Chapter Ten

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(*After Suzy and Eric Carr opened and received their baby shower gifts from everyone...*)

Suzy: Thank you so much everybody for all the wonderful gifts you gave us!

Eric Carr: *is in his fox form chewing on a pet toy that he got*

All nine of the Kiss guys: Your welcome!

Me: *teleports to where everyone else are gathered around* Howdy y'all! I just got an amazing idea for a dare that all the Kiss guys can do together while us girls can watch!

Suzy: Wow! Thanks Emily!

KellerSinger18: So, what's the dare?

Me: All the Kiss dudes are gonna be doing the Trick Or Treat challenge! Y'all are gonna pick a partner to do the challenge with, it'll be two people at a time.

Vixen91: *giggles* That's a good idea Emily.

Eli: Yay! Alright, boys! Choose your partner!

(*The guys pick a partner*)

Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons.

Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer.

Eric Carr and Bruce Kulick.

Vinnie Vincent and Ace Frehley.

Me: Alrighty! Each person in their team will choose one bag and whichever one you get will be either a TRICK or TREAT.

KellerSinger18: I hope that there isn't any tricks that are too scary for Gia, because I really don't want her to get scared.

Me: Don't worry, none of the tricks aren't terrifying.

Suzy: *sets up a video camera on it's stand and presses the red "record" button* Let's start!

Paul: You go first Gene.

Gene: *grins* Okay, here I go.

(*Gene picks up an orange and purple striped bag and inside, are some miniature candy apples*)

Gene: *eats one of the mini candy apples* Mmm! These are delicious.

Me: I guess the God of Thunder was lucky that he didn't get a trick. Your turn Paul!

Paul: Okay.

(*Paul picks a bright red bag with gold glittery all over it and inside, are a colony of fruit bats*)

Paul: *covers his face with his hands* AAHHH! 😖

Me: 😂 Oh no! The great Paul Stanley from Kiss got a trick!

Paul: *shoos the fruit bats away with a water gun* Where did you get all those bats from?

Me: *giggles while shrugging my shoulders* I don't know.

Paul: *playfully glares at me* Aha. Aha. Very funny.

(*Everyone else laughs at what happened*)

Eli: Next!

Tommy: *picks up a silver and white bag and pulls out a mini-size space cadet action figure* *grins* Cool! This one is a trick, but I like it!

Eric Singer: You lucky duck. 😝

(*Everyone else laughs*)

Eric Singer: My turn! *picks up a green bag and pulls out a handful of candy corn* Yes!

Me: Aw, no fair! I love candy corn!

Eric Singer: Oh really? You can have mine if you want Emily.

Me: Ooh! Thank you! *takes the green bag with candy corn inside from Eric Singer*

Suzy: This is awesome! Who's next?

Eric Carr: Us! *points his finger to himself and does the same thing to Bruce*

Bruce: I'll go first. *picks up a neon pink bag and when he opens it, a bunch of light blue colored slime splatters all over his face*

(*All the other Kiss guys began laughing like crazy*)

Bruce: Haha. Very funny. *playfully glares at everyone*

Vinnie: *gives Bruce a towel*

Eric Carr: Yes! It's MY TURN!

(*The Fox picks up a brown bag when he opens it, a bunch of rainbow colored slime splatters all over his face*)

Eric Carr: AW CRAP! 😱

(*Everyone else began to roll on the floor while laughing their butt off*)

Me: You've been pranked as well! 😂

Vinnie: 😂

Paul: 😂

Gene: 🤣

Ace: 😂

Peter: 😹

Eric Singer: 😹

Bruce: 😂

Eric Carr: What a schumck...😖

Me: Okay everybody! Last team up is Vinnie and Ace.

Ace: I'll go first! *picks up a purple and green bag and pulls out a bag of Laffy Taffies* Yum! I got lucky that time! *pulls out a Laffy Taffy and eats it*

Vinnie: *grins* I guess I'm the last one. *pulls out a red bag decorated with gold glitter and pulls out a bag of red apples* Yes! I'm so glad that nothing came out to scare me.

Me: *giggles* That was fun!

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