Chapter Nine

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Eric Carr: Time to open gifts!

Suzy: Yay! *sits down next to Eric Carr*

Vinnie: *sits down on the sofa*

Me: *grins playfully and sits down in Vinnie's lap*

Vinnie: Mmmhmm...😍

Me: *giggles while holding Vinnie's hand*

Suzy: *opens one of the gifts* Aww! A fox plushie! Thank you Catman #2!

Eric Singer: Your welcome! KellerSinger18 and I picked it out.

Me: Open the one from me and Vinnie!

Eric Carr: *removes the black glittery tissue paper and pulls out a picture of Kiss during the Creatures Of The Night era* Whoa! This is so cool! Where did you find this picture?

Paul: Gene and I were look through some old files with Doc McGhee and we found that picture in a binder.

Gene: None of has seen that photo in 50 years.

Eric Singer: *wolf whistles, making everyone else laugh*

Dixie the fox: *runs in to find everyone gathered around Suzy and the Fox*

Me: Aww! Hi Dixie! We're glad that you could join us!

Dixie the fox: *yips excitedly and puts her butt on a bag that she found*

Vinnie: Um...why is she doing that?

Me: It's one of the ways that foxes do to let you know that it belongs to them.

Vinnie: Oh, I understand now. *laughs*

Bruce: I actually have never seen you do that in your fox form, Eric.

Eric Carr: *chuckles* Well, I don't have to put my butt on my drum kit to let someone know that it's mine.

Suzy: *giggles* Silly fox! Okay, my turn to open a gift.

(*Suzy picks up a purple bag that has a black star on the front*)

Suzy: Wow! It's a Fall leaves and Autumn crisp scented perfume! Thank you Paul! *gives the Starchild a hug*

Paul: Aw! *accepts Suzy's hug* You're welcome darling. I saw that at the beauty shop and I thought you would like it.

Eric Carr: *can smell something else in the purple bag* Ooh, there's something else in there too.

Suzy: *picks up the other things* Aww! It's a men's hygiene kit that's fit for a handsome pipsqueak!

(*The men's hygiene kit contains a razor, razor blades, men's deodorant, shaving cream, a few different colognes, and even a comb*)

Eric Carr: HEY! I am not a pipsqueak! *playfully glares at Suzy and everyone else who are laughing*

Me: Well, you may be short. But you're also extra cute! 🙂

Eric Singer: Aww!

KellerSinger18: *giggles* Look at the Fox! His face is as red as a baboon's butt!

(*Everyone are laughing like crazy*)

Suzy: OI! Stop makin fun of my foxy, ya old chaps!

Vinnie: We weren't making fun of Eric Carr, Suzy.

Tommy: Yeah, it was just a bit of playful teasing.

Suzy: I know that, you guys! Gotta protect my foxy sometimes!

Eric Carr: *blushes deeply* Aww! Thank you, my sweet vixen. *kisses Suzy on the cheek*

Me: *claps hands* Okay, who's present are y'all gonna open next?

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