Chapter Five

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Bruce-dress up and act like a dog.

Bruce: Oh no...not this again! 😧

Me: *giggles and then claps my hands and a dog costume appears on Bruce*

Bruce: 🙄 Fine....*gets on his knees and barks like a dog* Woof! Woof! Woof!

Ace: *snickers* What a nice doggy...*pats Bruce on the head*

Eric Carr: *dies from heavy laughter* Here Bruce! Fetch! *throws a tennis ball across the floor*

Bruce: Um...No thank you.

Dixie the fox: *yips happily and runs after the tennis ball*

Eric Carr: DIXIE! Come back here! That's Bruce's favorite puppy chew toy!

(*Everyone else, except Bruce, are laughing like crazy while Eric Carr causes Dixie the Fox to get his tennis ball back*)

Me: NEXT! 😂

Ace and Tommy-play astronauts in outer space with Baby Gia.

Ace: *cackles* Okay!

Tommy: Hello little miss Gia.

Baby Gia: *laughs and shakes her cat-shaped baby rattle*

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

Ace: *is wearing a space helmet that's made out of a cardboard box*

Tommy: *is also wearing the same thing as Ace* *mimics a space radio* Alright space astronauts, prepare for take off.

Ace: Counting down backwards from five...

Baby Gia: *laughs excitedly and claps her hands*

Tommy: Five...four...

Ace: Three...two...

Tommy: One...Blast off!

(*Both Ace and Tommy pick up Baby Gia and play make-believe as if she's flying like a superhero*)

Tommy: *mimics the sound of a rocketship taking off into sky*

Ace: It looks like we're in outer space...let's head over to the Milky Way!

Baby Gia: *laughs and claps her hands some more*

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