Chapter Thirty

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Me: *walks into the nearest bathroom* It's bath time Vinnie!

KellerSinger18: Emily, you've still got vomit all over you.

Me: *giggles as I turn on the bath water* I know! Vinnie doesn't like being dragged around like a ragdoll by a fox who thought it was a game.

Suzy: *giggles* Poor ole' Vinnie!

Vinnie: *hisses in protest* (I'm not that old!)

KellerSinger18: We know!

Suzy: I was just messing with ya! To make it up, I'll go get some toys for you to play with in the bathtub.

Me: Ooh! I know something that Vinnie can play with!

Suzy: Oooh...please tell me!

Me: *giggles and then whispers* Go in Gene's bedroom and find that rubber duck that was made after him.

KellerSinger18: *giggles while whispering* I didn't know that Chaim Weiz had custom-made rubber ducky.

Suzy: *whispers* Well, I better get going before Gene comes back from rehearsal with Eric, Paul, and Tommy.

(*This is the Gene Simmons rubber duck I was talking about*)

(*This is the Gene Simmons rubber duck I was talking about*)🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

Suzy: I'm back! *closes the bathroom door and then locks it so that none of the other Kiss guys can bother us*

KellerSinger18: Aww! You found the Gene Simmons rubber ducky! *giggles as she carefully places it into the bathtub*

Me: Okay Vinnie! Time to go into the bath tub! *sticks my hand into the water to let Vinnie slither down, and he gets into the bathtub*


Suzy: Whoa! *shields her face to avoid getting wet*

Vinnie: *slithers around the water, and then began to relax*

KellerSinger18: What's that awful smell?

Me: It's just Vinnie. He defecates in the bathtub because it helps his body relax.

Suzy and KellerSinger18: Eww!

Me: *laughs* He's not gonna get dirty. I'll clean the bathtub when he gets done with  Lysol disinfecting spray and cleaning wipes.

(*After Vinnie was finished taking a bath in his snake form...*)

Gene: HEY! Who took my limited edition rubber duck?

Ace: You have a rubber duck...*covers his mouth to avoid laughing* 😂

Peter: In your bedroom?! 😹

(*Both Ace and Peter are rolling on the floor with heavy laughter*)

Paul: *teleports into the living room after he just took a shower* Hey people!

Eric Carr: Hiya Paul! *is holding my new pet snake as it slithers around his arms*

Bruce: Is that Emily's new pet snake?

Paul: Yep, I was the first one to meet him when Emily snuck into my room early in the morning.

Tommy: But isn't he a milk snake? I've heard that they're not very friendly.

Me: *teleports to the living room with Suzy, Eli, KellerSinger18, and Vixen91 in a hot pink aurora* Hi guys!

Eric Carr: Hey Emily! How's Vinnie doing?

Me: He's doing great! I just gave him a bath in his snake form. Wanna see him?

Eric Carr: Sure, why not?

Me: *sticks out my arm and Vinnie lets slither across my arm all the way down towards Eric Carr*

Eric Carr: *gently pets Vinnie* Hey Vinnie, you're lookin good, man!

Me: He does look good because I had to help him shed his old skin off so we can all see the new skin that's underneath.

Vixen91: And this is my new pet white wolf. Meet Casper everyone!

All of Kiss: Hi Casper!

Vinnie: *hisses while waving hello to Casper with his snake tail* (Nice to meet you Casper!)

Casper the white wolf: *goes around to sniff everyone else's scent to get to know them*

Me: And the rest of you knuckleheads haven't met my new pet hognose snake. Don't worry about his colors. He's not venomous.

Tommy: So, he's not a milk snake?

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Tommy: So, he's not a milk snake?

Me: Nope! 😁 He's just got the same colors as a milk snake. I saw him in a pet store one day and the way he was looking at me made me realize that we were meant to be best friends

All the girls: Aww!

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