Chapter Six

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Me: More DARES! 😁

Paul-let Emily throw you out the window by the balcony while you sing I believe I can fly in your Starchild voice.

Me: Okay! *grabs Paul by the hand and drags him to the window by the balcony*

Paul: Oof! You don't have to drag me all the way there, hon.

Me: Well, that's the only way I can do it cause' your too heavy for me to carry bridal style like you expected.

Paul: *blushes slightly* O-okay...😅

Me: *climbs onto the balcony and then opens the window* You ready?

Paul: As ready as I'll ever be...

Me: *struggles with love lifting up the Starchild and throws him out the window as far as I can*

Paul: *sings in his Starchild voice* I BELIEVE I CAN—-whoooaa!

Vinnie: 😧

Bruce: 😧

Eric Singer: 🙀

Eric Carr: 😧

Gene: 😧

Tommy: 😧

Ace: 😧

Peter: 🙀

(*Gene is surprised to see that Paul had somehow fallen down into a pile of dirty and smelly trash bags*)

Gene: Paul, what in the name of Christine Sixteen are you doing out there?

Dixie the fox: *yips excitedly and rushes out the back door to go after Paul*

Paul: I was doing a dare and I didn't get to finish singing I believe I can fly while Emily threw me out the window. *gets up on his feet and dusts himself off*

Tommy: You know that you could've just used your KISSterian powers to fly, right?

Paul: I can't believe I forgot about that.

Me: *giggles* Aww! Dixie is trying to give you kisses!

Dixie the fox: *yips happily as she leans up on her front paws and licks Paul's face*

Paul: *chuckles* Okay! We'll do this later after I get myself cleaned up.

(*The Starchild uses his KISSterian powers to teleport himself to the nearest bathroom, and he disappears in a purple aurora*)

Truth or Dare With Kiss (31)Where stories live. Discover now