Chapter Thirty-One

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Me: Okay everybody! It's time for our final dare!

(*All nine of the Kiss guys are whooping with joy*)

Eric Carr: What are we doing this time, Emily?

Me: *grins* All of you knuckleheads will be making grape juice!

Paul: are we supposed to do that?

Me: Easy! You guys are gonna be stepping in the barrel of grapes, and that'll make the juice go inside the jars.

Ace: This sounds like fun! ACK!

Me: And while you guys are doing that, us girls will be watching you!

Paul: Let's go!

Me: Change into some old clothes so your fancy ones don't get ruined.

(*After all the Kiss guys changed into some old clothes, they went outside where there were some barrels of grapes inside to be made into grape juice*)

Paul: Everybody ready?

Gene: Ready!


Vinnie: Hell yeah!

Peter: Let's do this!

(*Emily and the girls are standing nearby watching the nine Kiss guys as they make grape juice*)

Vinnie: Uggh...this stuff is really messy.

Me: *giggles at Vinnie* You can do it Ankhie!

Vinnie: *slightly blushes*

(*Two hours later...*)

Tommy: *is helping Eric Singer with stepping out of the barrel of the now squished grapes that have been made into grape juice*

Suzy: Looks like somebody needs a bath.

Eric Carr: Eheheh...😅 I'm all messy...

(*Both Suzy and the Fox teleport to their bathroom*)

Me: And the same goes for you, Vinnie. *smirks playfully and then licks some of the grape juice off of Vinnie's lips*

Vinnie: *laughs* B-babe! Stop that! 😆

Me: Aww Vinnnieee. *giggles* I couldn't resist. You're my adorable ray of sunshine.

Paul: Aww! How cute.

Vinnie: *playfully glares at the Starchild* Keep that loud mouth of yours shut!

Truth or Dare With Kiss (31)Where stories live. Discover now