Chapter Twenty-One

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(*Three hours later...*)

Me: Alright! Now, that my hair, makeup, and outfit is complete, it's time to show the girls!

(*The host's outfit*)
(*Ignore the model*)

Me: Alright! Now, that my hair, makeup, and outfit is complete, it's time to show the girls!                                                 (*The host's outfit*)⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️(*Ignore the model*)

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Me: *puts on some tall black boots and then grabs one of Vinnie's hot pink colored v-shaped guitar, and walks out of the dressing room*

(*Meanwhile, onstage with the girls...*)

Suzy: Emily! You made it!

Eli: And check out the clothes she's wearing!

Vixen91: Vinnie's gonna be head over heels for you!

KellerSinger18: *has black kitty ears and a tail* Aw, she's blushing!

Me: *blushes deeply* Stop that! I'm trying not to think about what we're doing tonight after the battle of the bands. *blushes even more deeply* ☺️🥰😌

Suzy: Anyway, what song are we going to play for the battle of the bands?

Me: This one!

Suzy: Awesome!

Me: *giggles* And, I've got some excellent news for Vinnie. He's gonna be so surprised!

KellerSinger18: What is it Emily?

Me: *takes out a pregnancy tester and it shows positive*

(*All the girls are squealing with exciting*)

Me: Vinnie and I have been talking about having a little ankh prince or princess. 😏😉

Eli: OMG! *hugs me* I can't wait!

(*Meanwhile...with the nine KISS guys...*)

Vinnie: *gets a text from me*

Eric Carr: *is testing out his drum kit* Who's it from Vinnie?

Vinnie: *slightly blushes* It's from Emily. *reads the text* She sent me a picture of a baby pacifier.

Eric Carr: I don't get it. What about you Paul?

Paul: Let me see it. *looks at the picture on Vinnie's gold colored iPhone that has an ankh on the back*

Gene: *smirks* I think I know what she's trying to say.

Vinnie: Really?! What is it?

Gene: I'll leave that one blank. You'd better figure this one out for yourself Vinnie. 😉

Vinnie: What in the name of Anubis is she tryin' to tell me?

Eric Singer: *looks at the time on his watch* It's almost time. We better get into position.

Paul: Right...let's go people!

(*The nine Kiss guys get into position onstage with their instruments*)

Suzy: Let's do this!

(*The girls get into position onstage with their instruments while the crowd is screaming and cheering in the audience*)

Paul: *speaks in his Starchild voice* How're you doing people?!

(*The KISS army are roaring and cheering*)

Vinnie: *sees me onstage with the girls and nearly faints, but he managed to keep himself steady*

Paul: Hmm...*uses his KISSterian powers that has a purple aurora glows over the black star on his left eye, and then he uses x-ray vision to look inside my abdomen and he sees developing male and female sperm in my reproductive organs* I knew it...

Me: *sends the Starchild a text that says "Don't even think about it, glitter britches"*

Gene: *flicks out his long tongue at the girls in the audience*

Eric Carr: Let's do this...

Me: *claps hands in applause*

Suzy: I bet we can do better than that!

Vixen91: Hit it girls!

Me: *plays my song*

(*After the girls played their song...*)

Me: *talks into the microphone* And now, I've got something to say to my Ankh Warrior. *

Vinnie: *walks over to the stage where the girls* What is it, babe?

Me: *takes out the pregnancy tester and shows it to Vinnie* I'm pregnant.

Vinnie: What...what?! You mean we're?!

Eric Carr: Oh Yeah! I'm a double uncle! 😝

(*The entire Kiss army brings out pure joy and cheering and screaming for the Ankh Warrior and his mate*)

Paul: I knew it!

Gene: *grins* Congratulations, you two.

Vinnie: *is already crying tears of joy while hugging and kissing me*

Me: *giggles* I've kinda been wanting a little boy, so he can learn how to be a guitar shred master like you Vinnie.

Vinnie: *slightly blushes and then smiles* Awww! I would love to do that for our future child.

(*The Ankh Warrior and his mate share a passionate kiss in front of everyone and a bunch of fireworks blow up high into the sky*)

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