Chapter Twenty-Six

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(*Two hours later...*)

Suzy: *hears someone knocking on the front door to the spare building* I'll get it!

(*Suzy opens the door and there is a large group of people standing there with angry and upset looks on their faces*)

Suzy: Um...can I help you?

Woman #1: Is there a disabled girl named Emily living here?

(*At that moment, KellerSinger18, Vixen91, Eli, and the nine KISS guys came to see who was at the door*)

Paul: Who are you people?

Woman#2: I'm the mother of Emily.

The rest of the group: We're her family.

Eric Carr: Um...I don't think she wants to talk you anymore.

Woman #1: Well, I'm her mother and we're taking her home.

Gene: Like hell you're not gonna do that.

Vinnie: She is MY girlfriend. And I would stay away from her if I were you.


Me: *walks in after waking up from a nap* What's all that noise?

Woman#1: Emily, my sweet little girl. *goes to hug me, but then stops immediately when she notices my swollen stomach* OMG! Are you pregnant?!

Me: *glares and then takes a few steps away from my mom* Yes, I am. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?

Woman #1: Um...who's the father?

Vinnie: I am.

Woman: #1 and #2: WHAT?!

Woman #1: *yells at Vinnie* HOW DARE YOU!

Me: *can feel my KISSterian powers coming, and my hot pink aurora is glowing all around my body* OH FOR LOVE OF KISSTERIA! STOP INSULTING VINNIE!

Woman: #1: *slaps me across the face* DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME THAT WAY!

(*All the Kiss guys switch to their animal forms and get ready to defend Vinnie and Emily*)

Eric Carr: *growls and bares his fox teeth at my mom* 😠

Bruce: *growls like a angry dog* 😠

Peter: 😾 *snarls makes himself look bigger and scarier*

Eric Singer: 😾 *does the same thing as Peter*

Vinnie: She is NOT coming home with you! And if I have to banish you to the sun where your entire body will burn to ashes...then so be it! *the golden aurora from his KISSteria powers are glowing on his Ankh Warrior scepter*

Me: *switches to my Teke Teke form*

Paul: Oh no...she's gonna get em'!

Tommy: Be careful Emily!

Me: *crawls slowly towards my mom, whipping out my scythe*

Vinnie: *recites a foreign Egyptian spell that makes a barrier between my mom and the front door so that the rest of my family can't get inside*

Vixen91: You better leave this place right now or Vinnie will make you suffer!

Vinnie: *glares at my mom and my family with his eyes glowing white* Your choice.

The rest of my family: We just want you to come back!

Ace: Well, Emily doesn't want to, so stop begging her like that!

Peter: *hisses at my family and my mom fiercely*

Eric Carr: *is about ready to attack my mom and my family*

Woman #1: B-but she's disabled! She can't have a baby with that freak!

(*Vixen91 immediately goes over to my mom while summoning a bolt of lightning just like Tommy's*)

Vixen91: *glares* WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY FRIEND?!!!! 😡

Me: *crawls quickly to chase my mom out of the spare building*

The rest of my family: *screams and they all stay out of my way*

Woman #1: *runs away from me* AAAAAHH! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME YOU UGLY B*TCH!!!

Paul: Let's go!

(*All the Kiss guys who can fly jump into the sky using their KISSterian powers, while the ones who have animal forms run after me on the ground*)

(*In a wooded area...*)

Woman#1: *runs to hide behind a tree while panting heavily* W-what the hell...

Me: *finds where my mom is hiding and then begins to crawl towards her, waiting for the right moment*

Woman: #1: E-Emily?!

(*At that moment, all the Kiss guys finally arrive at the scene*)

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(*At that moment, all the Kiss guys finally arrive at the scene*)

Vinnie: *glares at my mom and walks towards her with his golden Ankh Warrior scepter glowing brightly* YOU...DISGUSTING ...SON OF A—😡

Peter, Eric Singer, Eric Carr, and Bruce: *are still in their animal form while they walk in a circle around my mom, and they are hissing, snarling, and growling at the same time*

Woman #1: *is nervous as hell* Emily, please! Let's talk about this!

Paul: Seriously?! After what you just said about your own daughter?!

Gene: *glares at my mom while summoning fire flames* You don't deserve to live.

Woman#1: *is very scared of me* Please! I'm sorry! 😰 *accidentally shows off her red cheery keychain on her purse*

Me: *gets triggered by the red object and then crawls towards my mom and slices her hair by the lower torso with my scythe, and her screams of bloody murder can be heard from everyone*

Me: *gets triggered by the red object and then crawls towards my mom and slices her hair by the lower torso with my scythe, and her screams of bloody murder can be heard from everyone*

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