Mind games: part 3

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3rd person POV:

After catching (Y/n) up to speed upon him resetting his mind to prevent the psychic virus from taking over his mind, he and the other three work on a plan.

Misaka: You have no plan?

(Y/n): I have several plans. Simply non are that good.

Touma: You can time travel correct? Simply go back to the past and stop this mess.

(Y/n): Ehhh... it's not that simple...

Misaka: What about looking into the future to see what's going to happen with some of our plans?

(Y/n): Ehhh... Not really how that works...

Accelerator: Explain to us how time travel works then.

(Y/n): Hmmm... Alright... How to simplify the most complex subject in the world...

(Y/n): Hm-hm... Okay... Do you know how people like to say, time is a river?

Misaka: Yes.

(Y/n): Well they are wrong and stupid. Rid yourself of those people.

(Y/n): Time is like a Jenga tower.

(Y/n): Any of you play Jenga before? I have, in fact, I've played it with Egyptians once.

(Y/n): But I don't think they quite got the hang of it though.... They made these stupid pyramids instead of towers.

Accelerator: Get to the point!

(Y/n): Right, right! So time is like a five-dimensional game of Jenga. With every moment in time making up a block of the tower.

(Y/n): Actually, it's like a tower within a tower... Like seconds makes towers that act as blocks for minutes that get build up into the blocks for hour towers...

(Y/n): Hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, so on and so forth.

(Y/n): Like Jenga, you can remove a block and place it at the top. But in this practically infinite tower analogy...

(Y/n): Removing a block is changing the past.

(Y/n): You can only remove so many blocks in a single place before the tower falls over.

(Y/n): And some blocks are the support for the whole tower. In other words, a fixed point that cannot be changed.

(Y/n): And the future... To put it simply, it doesn't exist... Yet.

Touma: The future doesn't exist?

Accelerator: And what the hell is that supposed to mean?

(Y/n): Exactly that. It doesn't exist. But kinda does...

(Y/n): Okay, uhh... I can travel to the future, however, it's incredibly volatile.

(Y/n): It's in constant flux. Continually changing and blowing up.

(Y/n): Consider the future a fusion of every possible outcome ever until it becomes the present.

Accelerator: This has been the most convoluted way of saying "time is complicated".

(Y/n): You asked...

Accelerator: It doesn't matter. So what's the plan.

(Y/n): Stop the drugged up, Esper.

Accelerator: Easier said than done.

(Y/n): As long as I can make contact with them, it's just that simple.

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