A heroic era

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3rd person POV:

Last Order, the third rank hero, brought (Y/n) and Misaka to her "secret hideout".

Which was one of 7 large skyscrapers.

Each skyscraper was for one of the level 5 espers. Or hero in this new timeline.

In a safe place Misaka, (Y/n), and Last Order began exchanging information.

Last Order: Sooooo... You two are from an alternative timeline?

(Y/n): Precisely. This timeline was forced into existence by a time-controlling psycho.

Last Order: Okay...

Misaka: We need to know what was changed so we can change it back.

Last Order: Oh, okay... Ummm... Oh!

Taking out her phone, she hands the two it, so they could do their research.

(Opening theme)

Going through the history of this new timeline, (Y/n) and Misaka learned that magic was revealed to the whole world.

To stop the magicians which were advertised as evil, Academy city turned its Espers into superheroes.

Like in the prime timeline, the espers were divided into separate groups based on their levels.

And based on those levels sent out to do different types of heroics.

To (Y/n), the revelation of magic was shocking however it made finding the altered point in time a basic task.

(Y/n):(tosses phone away) Thank you for aid, we've now found the most probable moment in time that was changed.

Last Order: Um, alright, but did you have to toss my phone?

(Y/n): It won't matter in a few short moments. In fact, you can live your life consequence-free.

(Y/n): Go do the things you've always wanted. Kiss the boy you like, slap the teachers you hate, kiss the girl you actually like but only kiss the boy to make her jealous.

Misaka: Don't give her that kind of advice.


(Beep, beep, beep)

Last Order's phone begins going off. Picking up her phone, she sees it's simply an alarm for a conference.

Last Order: I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about... But I have to go to professor (L/n)'s lecture.

(Y/n): My lecture? Strange, I don't remember planning one... Unless are you telling me I am here in Academy City?

Last Order: Maybe it's your older brother? I know you two share the same name but the (Y/n) is much older and taller.


(Y/n): We are going to this lecture immediately!

(Y/n): No ifs, and's, or buts! Tally-ho, ladies!

Wanting to see an older version of himself more than anything else, (Y/n) speeds off, but is met with Clara as soon as he opens the door to leave.

Clara: So I've-

(Y/n): Silence! There's a much more pressing issue to deal with!

Grabbing her hand, (Y/n) drags her along like a child would their mother.

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