Time to dash

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3rd person POV.

Rei Sakamoto is a long black haired girl with pale skin, and petite features.

She goes to high school in academy city, and is a level zero. She enjoys running on the track team, even though she isn't as fast as the others students on track who are between level 1 and 2, but she still loved it.

Because she is a level 0, she is ether ignored or mocked by the other students who have abilities.

One day, during track, the track leader called her to talk.

Track leader: Sakamoto! Get over here!

She nervously ran twords the track leader.

Rei: Y-yes?

Track leader: This can't go on anymore.

Rei: W-what can't go on?

Track leader: You being on this team. You do realize we want to compete, right?!

Rei: Yes-

Track leader: Then why are you taking your damn time out there?!

Rei: I-im going as fast as I can.....

Track leader: Well it's not fast enough! I'm kicking you off the team.

Rei: What?!

Track leader: We don't need a slowpoke like you.

Rei: Please! Don't kick me off the team! I love track! I'll do better, I swear!

Track leader: I don't see how a level 0 like you can do any better. My decision is final!

Rei:......(sob, sob, sob)

Rei ran away while crying. As she ran, she heard the other track members talking about her.

Track member 1: Finally got rid of the level 0 loser? About time.

Track member 2: How did she even get on the team?

Track member 3: Ha, what a crybaby!

Rei ran twords a nearby park, where she curled up next to a tree and began crying.

Rei:(sob sob sob sob)

???: People with power can be cruel.

Rei: ?

Rei looked twords the source of the voice, and saw a man.

???: What if I told you, I can give you power of a level 5 esper?

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???: What if I told you, I can give you power of a level 5 esper?

Rei:(sob) W-what do I h-have to d-do...?

???:(smirks) Use this...

???:(smirks) Use this

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