Last Order for a hero

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3rd person POV:

Last Order:(smiles) Hey there Stiyl, you're looking pretty hot today.

Stiyl: Tch! You cannot stop the church from reclaiming what is theirs.

Last Order: Listen, you can tell the church to kiss my ass because that's worth worshiping more than whatever deity has you magic losers committing these crimes.

Stiyl:(shakes head)... There's no reasoning with you.

Last Order: Oi, redhead, that's my line!

Misaka:(whispers) What's going on?

A very confused Misaka says whilst (Y/n) and her watch this scene straight out of an anime.

(Y/n): It seems in this timeline, Last Order is older and a superhero.

(Y/n): Or it's you, and you call yourself Last Order.

(Y/n): Either way, this is very fascinating.

He focuses on the red electricity swirling around her body like a liquid.

(Y/n): Very...very...fascinating...

Last Order hopped from one foot to the other, like a boxer. With a few shadow boxing swings at the air, she waved at Stiyl to come at her.

Last Order: I gotta warn you... I'm shockingly strong.

With the utmost confidence, Last Order spoke her catchphrase which made Stiyl, the magician part of her rogue's gallery, groan internally.

(Opening theme)

(Last Order vs Stiyl)

Stily launched his flame beast wielding a large blade of fire towards Last Order.

Swinging an uppercut, Last Order placed a wall of her red liquid electricity in the way of Stiyl's attack.

The flame beast went through her shield, but doing so caused its form to weaken and fall apart, causing its attack to lose all of its power.

Reeling his monster back, Stiyl allowed it to regain its power, before having it split apart into several fiery rockets flying towards Last Order in multiple directions.

Flipping back to avoid the first barrage, Last Orders red lightning shot out like a grabbling hook to a metal section of a building and pulled her away from the next barrage.

Grinding on her lighting as a skateboarder would on a railing, Last Order had her lighting line ricochet off of one surface to another, to continue her grinned away from the homing projectiles seeking her.

Last Order: WHOO-HOOO!

Sliding diagonally down towards Stiyl, Last Order pointed finger guns at Stiyl before firing red lightning at him.

Dashing back as to keep his sights on her, Stiyl avoided the first barrage, but upon getting his arm grazed by a single lighting bullet, the magician felt all the muscles in that arm flex and lock into that flex.

He had lost the ability to operate that arm, so he rolled away from the next barrage and had his beast of flames come and protect him.

Last Order: For someone called Stiyl, you're pretty mediocre in living up to your name!

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