Cold time

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3rd person POV.

Jean Lockhart is a 34 year old business woman.

She has worked for her company for years, and has been very loyal.

She has been working on getting a promotion for months. But after many months of working hard, she didn't get it.

Upset, she eventually made it to a certain park.

As she sat down on a bench, a man came and sat down next to her.

As she sat down on a bench, a man came and sat down next to her

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???: Upsetting, isn't it? Working hard, just to get nothing.

Jean: How did you know that?

???: I know many things...... Like how you can get back at them.

Jean: What?

He takes out a device.

He takes out a device

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Jean: What is that?

???: A drug that will.... Help you.

Jean:......... It sucks that I didn't get a promotion, but that doesn't mean that's it. I'm not going to let one loss, bring me down, I'm just going to keep moving on.

Jean: I don't need a drug, to help me. I suggest you find a better line of work.

Jean got up and began leaving, but the man grabbed her and prevented her from leaving.

???: The choice was never take or don't take the drug......

???: The choice was to do it willingly or be forced.

The man injected the drug into her.

Jean: He hehe.... Hehehehe hehehehe!

The man began to leave.

???: I still need more data.....

(Play opening)

A Certain Scientific Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now