Time Lord vs Railgun

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3rd person POV.

Misaka was in class, but she couldn't quite focus. She was to busy trying to figure out what ability (Y/n) has.

She didn't recognize the ability.

Misaka:(mind) Speed, strength, illusions, teleportation, and can set people on fire. What kind of kid has that kind of power?

Meanwhile with (Y/n).

He was staring at a reflection of himself.

(Y/n): Hmmmmm.....

(Y/n): I'm missing something......

(Y/n): A hat? Yes. But what kind...?




(Y/n): A fez..... Yes! I should get a fez. Fezzes are cool.

A lady walked up to him.

Lady: Excuse me. Shouldn't you be in school?

(Y/n): No, no I don't think so.

He then walked away.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was walking around, hoping to find a lead on any drug dealers selling progeπitor.

He eventually made his way to a bridge.

(Y/n): If I was a drug dealer, who would I sell a power giving, esper monster making drug?

Misaka: It's you!

(Y/n): Me?

(Y/n) looked twords the source of the voice and saw Misaka.

Misaka: You're that kid from the other night.

She ran up to him.

(Y/n): Am not a kid.

Misaka: You look like one.

(Y/n): Looks can be deceiving....

Misaka: What does that mean.

(Y/n): Nothing. How can I help you?

Misaka: I want to know who you really are. And I want to fight you!

(Y/n): You want to fight me? Are you sure? I might ruin your reputation.

Misaka: I don't care. Are you going to fight me?

(Y/n): Why should I ?

Misaka: How about I sweeten the deal?

(Y/n): Hmm.... I'm listening.

Misaka: I'll give you what ever you want. If I win, you have to tell me what I want to know.

(Y/n): How about if I win, you have to do whatever I want?

Misaka: Sure, whatever.

(Y/n): Just say a time and place.

Misaka: Follow me.

TIMESKIP brought to you by (Y/n) buying a Fez.

Misaka brought (Y/n) to a open area where they could fight with out harming someone else.

(Y/n): Whenever you're ready. I have all the time in the world.

Misaka: You asked for it!

Misaka generates some electricity and fires it at (Y/n). Once the electricity hit (Y/n), he was able to rewind the electricity to a point in time where it wasn't yet generated.

A Certain Scientific Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now