Play time

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3rd person POV.

(Y/n) was about to infiltrated a wearhouse that was a base of operations of a drug Lord.

But before he could enter the building, a certain person greeted him.

Last order: Hello! Says Misaka Misaka greeting her friend!

(Y/n): Oh hey Last order.

He looks around, and noticed her Albino guardian wasn't with her.

(Y/n): Where's your......... Friend? Brother? Guardian? Pet? You know that Albino guy.

Last order: Accelerator? He's sleeping. Answers Misaka Misaka.

Last order: I got bored waiting for him, so I went outside and soon found you. Explains Misaka Misaka on how she ended up here.

(Y/n): Fascinating.

Last order: Would you like to go play at the park? Asks Misaka Misaka.

(Y/n): Sorry, but I'm currently in the middle of something.

Last order: What? Asks Misaka Misaka interested.

(Y/n): I'm just going to take care of a drug Lord.

Last order: What!? Shouts Misaka Misaka surprised at what you're doing!

(Y/n): Don't worry. I'm an esper, and a pretty powerful one if I do say so myself.

Last order: You can't do this alone! Exclaims Misaka Misaka.

(Y/n): I'm quite certain I can.

Last order: At least let me help you. Says Misaka Misaka wanting to help.

(Y/n):........ Alrighty, I could use a companion.

(Y/n): Follow me, and do exactly as I say.

Last order: Okay. Says Misaka Misaka.

The two make there way in front of the wearhouse where the drug Lord resides.

(Y/n): I have a plan. A lovely plan that only has a few steps to accomplish.

Last order: Misaka Misaka nods in understanding.

(Y/n): Step one! We sneak in.

Last order: Misaka Misaka continues to nod in understanding.

(Y/n): Step two! We sneakily get information on the drug Lord and what's he working on.

Last order: Misaka Misaka yet again continues to nod in understanding, but will now stop because she's feeling dizzy.

(Y/n): Step 3-


The wearhouse they were planning on infiltrating exploded.

Last order; Eeeekkk! Yells Misaka Misaka.

(Y/n): Well there goes step 5......(sigh)

(Y/n): Okay, we're going to need to add a few more steps, and change the order of them.

(Y/n): But I fully believe we can salvage this.

He says that as he looks at the burning remains of the wearhouse.

(Y/n): I can work with this.

(Play opening)

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