Who needs a hero?

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3rd person POV:

Misaka: Why are we here?

(Y/n): Well, the rebuilding of time isn't quite instantaneous, it takes a few moments for Time to realize somethings wrong.

Misaka: Uh-huh... But why here?

On a Viking ship, Misaka and (Y/n) had a small picnic.

Clara had gone on ahead to survey the new present.

(Y/n): Well, here you can't rewrite some deity.

Misaka: Not going to let me forget that are you?

(Y/n): You made Zeus into a schoolgirl. A feat that was previously only possible in art.

(Y/n): Sooooo... No, my dear, I shall not let you forget that any time soon.


Misaka: Where did you even get this ship? Where are the Vikings?

(Y/n): I borrowed it in exchange for a map to some treasure.

Misaka: You gave them a treasure map?

(Y/n): Actually, it's only a map to America. They were going to discover it anyway. Might as well push them in the right direction.


Misaka: How long are we going to snack on candy?

(Y/n): Until we're finished, I'm not leaving candy in the past.

Misaka: Could have at least brought sandwiches.

(Y/n): This wasn't quite planned, I simply took out what I already had.

Misaka: Candy? You do see why people see you as a kid, right?

(Y/n): They weren't for me! They were for Einstein.

(Y/n): I have to bloody get his attention like a pet, by putting treats in my palm.

(Y/n): Bah, it doesn't matter. Let's go.

Shoving a hand full of candy in his mouth, (Y/n) decade the rest with time and took Misaka back into the present.

(Opening theme)

Entering Academy city, (Y/n) and his companion, Misaka found it to be in its normal state.

Misaka: Looks like we did it.

(Y/n): Don't get your hopes up just yet. Looks can be deceiving, such as yours truly.

Misaka: But that Chronos guy is kinda dead.

(Y/n): No, body, no proof!

(Y/n): Now let's go get some nonsugary snacks.

(Y/n): I'm quite in the mood for some strawberries.

Misaka:(deadpan) Still want something sweet after all that candy....?

With the desire for proper sustenance, Misaka led the way to a cafe where the two could get something proper to eat.

Getting sandwiches, the two began discussing the fate of Chronos.

Misaka: There's no way he survived that attack.

(Y/n): I fully agree that Chronos got hit, not even I could do anything to avoid such a fast attack in stopped time.

(Y/n): But the issue is their armor.

A Certain Scientific Time LordWhere stories live. Discover now