The Last Time

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3rd person POV:

Time was still as the Timelords of two different histories discussed and exchanged their understandings of time.

One was stuck in the form of a child from a presently erased past.

The other was the older-looking version of the child, from this altered present.

A professor in this version of Academy city, he listened with great intrigue.

Though the clocks did not tick, the two could tell they'd been talking for hours.

Yn: There are time police? Fascinating... And surprising, since I've not come across anything of the sort.

Yn: The only thing close to your time police would be the Time reapers.

(Y/n): Time reapers?

Yn: Ghostly monsters, who hunt down those who mess with the timeline in large ways.

(Y/n): Pardon me?! If those were real, then they should be infesting the world by now.

Yn: Hmmm... Perhaps this Chronos's armor is more than meets the eye?

Yn: Do you know what it does?

(Y/n): I have my suspicions.

(Y/n): As well as a plan.

Yn: Hoho? Do tell.

(Y/n): It's a plan to end this madness.

Gesturing to come closer to him,  Yn leans in as his child counterparts whispered his devious plan to his visibly older self.

(Opening theme)

When time restarted, Clara left, soon followed by (Y/n) who went off to wait for Yn to finish his lesson so they may put into motion their grand plan.

Yn, finishing his lesson, wandered to the school's courtyard he took a seat on a bench and waited for his child counterparts.

Clara then came and walked up to Yn who stood up.

Yn: Ah, the time officer.

Gently grabbing her hand, he placed a kiss on it.

Yn:(smirks) It is a pleasure.

Clara: Tch... I just washed my hands...

The two take a seat.

Yn: I hope you aren't planning to arrest me for my timeless shinanigans.

Clara: You are simply a copy from a remade present. There isn't a point in stopping someone who'll soon be erased.

Clara: (Y/n) tells me you two have a plan. Care to update me about it?

Yn: Ah, the plan! It's quite interesting that plan.

Yn: Only I could have thought of something like that.

Yn: But before I tell you that, you must tell me what's under those clothes.


Yn: Chrono's clothes that is.

Yn: Why is he wearing such an outfit?

Clara: How would I know?

Yn: You don't know? How strange...

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