Level 5 generals

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3rd person POV:

Misaka, playing into the Lady Lighting persona that everyone sees her as whilst the Lord of Time plays trickster and mucks about the village.

Traversing further towards the center of the village, Misaka began noticing how the layout of the village was eerily similar to the Academy city layout.

Finding herself in front of a large mansion where the windowless building would be, Misaka approached the house with guards on watch.

They, though confused at her attire, allowed her in without question.

Misaka:(mind) What's going on here?

Misaka:(mind) It's clear that we level fives are in charge but feared?

Misaka:(mind) Hopefully I can find the person in charge and give them a piece of my mind.

???: Ohhhh~ spiky hair~ where did you run off to-

A loose robe-wearing Shizuri the fourth rank level 5 walked out the corner searching for a young man that Misaka knew quite well, as well as who she meant.

A loose robe-wearing Shizuri the fourth rank level 5 walked out the corner searching for a young man that Misaka knew quite well, as well as who she meant

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Shizuri: I didn't expect you to be back so soon.

Misaka:(glares) Who were you looking for...?

Shizuru: I think you know.

Misaka: Okay...And why would you be looking for him?

Shizuri: To test his devotion to you of course.

Shizuri: Or I guess it would be more accurate to say... To change his devotion...


(Opening theme)

(Y/n) was giving Kakine and especially Misaki a run for their money.

The only reason they were capable of keeping pace with someone who could stop time was that he allowed them to.

Truly letting his inner child show, (Y/n) quickly pieced together the familiarity of the village's layout.

Climbing onto a house, (Y/n) found Clara waiting for him.

Clara:(sarcastically) Interesting tactic on how to fix time.

Her sarcasm came out thick and obvious.

(Y/n): You need to see the bigger picture.

Clara: And what's that?

Reversing time on his second pair of pants, he turned them back into Misaki's kimono dress and forced it onto Clara.

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