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3rd person POV.

Levi Richmond, a down on his luck, level 0, college student. Currently having trouble at college, and with his relationship.

Sora: Get out!

Levi: Wait! Sora, please!

(Door slam)

Sora, is now the ex-girlfriend of Levi.

After Levi took some of her money to pay his debt and in her words "not providing anything" she kicked him out of her apartment.

Levi: D-damnit.........

Levi began walking away, trying to think what he could do to make things write with the love of his life.

Levi: Idiot! What was I thinking......?

Levi: I took advantage of the best thing that ever happened to me.

Levi: I'm probably the unluckiest person in the world.

Unkown to him, a certain male in academy city sneezed after he said that.

Levi eventually ended up in a park.

He was sitting alone in a bench, contemplating on what to do.

???: Life is difficult for the weak, isn't it?

Levi surprised by the sudden appearance of a voice, looked twords the direction the voice came from.

He looked to his right to see a man, sitting on the same bench he was.

He looked to his right to see a man, sitting on the same bench he was

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???: The rich and powerful rule this world. But if you want to win your love back, you must become one of them.

The mysterious man slides a device to him.

???: Use this if you want to be a level 5 esper

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???: Use this if you want to be a level 5 esper.

The man then leaves.

Levi wanted Sora back. He wanted to be someone. He wanted to give Sora everything she deserves.

Levi takes the device and uses it to inject the progeπitor drug into himself.

Levi: He... Hehehe. Hehehehe hehehehe!

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