Hermione and Dean

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Hello everyone!
I never thought that anyone would read my books, but I'm happy!
Thank you all for reading!
Have fun!

There was a big circular table and everyone was seated. Harry sat on the only free chair near a bushy haired girl. A dark skinned boy sat on his left.

'Welcome to socialization. You will answer the questions given and get to know each other. Every day one of you will play as Joker. Joker is chosen by us. Joker is an impostor who will lie.
If you think that you know who Joker is get up and say the name. If Joker isn't found by the end of the hour Joker wins a prize while the rest of you will be punished. If you find Joker he or she will be punished. If Joker makes a mistake purposely to save others Joker will be punished.
Team work will be awarded. Remember that if you cheat you will be punished. Have fun'
Everyone looked at each other, there was a tense silence until the voice spoke again.

'What is your code number Miss Granger? And what is its meaning?'
The girl next to him answered.
"16011994. My mother's death. She was killed by one of her clients. She sold herself as there wasn't work where I lived." She held that look. The look of those who lived immersed in death and desperation. Harry knew that she was saying the truth.
"I'm sorry for your loss" Harry said.
"Thank you." The girl said with a small smile.

'Mr Jackson, who was the first person the War took from you?'
And so the questions went on. Harry looked at everyone's body language and eyes. He knew that when lying people thought more about their words without realising that their bodies reacted.

'Mister Dursley, what was the thing you loved the most about your brother?'
Harry was startled but answered instantly.
"His heart. He used to work in two factories and he thought that I didn't know that half of his pay went to charity. He always thought of others before himself."

"Is he still alive?" The boy next to him asked. Thomas was his name, Harry found out a few minutes before. He was asked what would he do if the war ended.

"He was killed for cheating on the written test. One or two days ago. I don't know what day it was." Harry said with a monotone voice. He still wasn't dealing with it, he simply ignored it.

"You know, ignoring the pain won't work for long." Hermione said.
"She is right. You deal with it and you feel better. I don't think that your brother would like to see you like this, would he?"
Harry knew that they were right and nodded his head.

'Miss Davis, what is your code number? And what is its meaning?
"Number 12121990. It was-" she started crying "It was my mother's death. She was killed during the Hawaii attack-"

She wasn't able to finish her sentence as Harry, Thomas, Granger and three others got up.
'Number 31101981, 16011994, 12081992, 22031989, 01041988, 03071990 do you have an answer? And do you all think of the same person? '
There was a collective agreement. They shortly talked to each other before agreeing again.

'Number 16011994 say your answer.'
'Miss Davis is the Joker. The Hawaii attack was a year before.'
'Correct. The group wins. Those who found the name will be awarded with two more hours in the meeting room, the rest of you will have half an hour more. Number 12121990 your punishment starts now.'

The girl started screaming as pain invaded her body. She fell from her chair and convulsed until she fainted. The girl next to her checked her pulse and sighed in relief.

Someone entered the room.
The person was dressed completely in black. They all took a step back.
'Our collaborator will take 12121990 to the infirmary. I will notify you when the half an hour is up and you will go back to your rooms.'

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