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Harry was sleeping when he heard a loud alarm sound. He got up abruptly took his gun (you never know what could happen) and exited his room. He asked a prefect what was happening and the girl told him that it was the alarm that signalled an emergency, they all had to go to the Great Hall.
Harry basically ran trough the corridors as he was worried for his friends and for his mate. He reached the Great Hall and searched for a blond head. He found Draco instantly and walked to him.

"Dray? Are you alright?" Harry asked him rubbing his eyes sleepily.
Draco took a deep breath as he saw his mate shirtless, he was full of slashes, cuts, old wounds. And Draco found him beautiful.
"Harry, you do realise that you're not wearing a shirt right?" Draco said feeling something down there when Harry blushed.
"I don't like wearing shirts when I sleep, I normally don't wear pants either" Harry said a bit embarrassed.
"Don't worry Harry no one is sad about it" Theo said.
"Are you cold?" Draco asked ignoring Theo's comment.
"Nope I'm fine" Harry answered.

"Harry can I ask you something?" Blaise said.
"Yeah sure." Harry answered looking at his friend.
"What's that code on your neck?" Blaise asked quietly.
"Oh! That's my code as a soldier S31101981. S indicates that I'm a commander, the numbers are an important date in my life. If you look at Hermione's you find an A that means she's a spy." Harry answered.
"That's..." Blaise started not knowing what to say.
"It's fine Blaise" Harry said knowing that he was about to apologise for asking.

"Students. We are sorry for waking you at this hour but there was an emergency." Dumbledore said looking tired and much older "one of our students was murdered in the night. Tracey Davis. We called the Aurors and they will make investigations, we will inform you of any new information. May her soul be blessed by Lady Hecate".

Harry was feeling numb. Another one. Another person he cared about died. He wanted to know who the killer was. She or he would have to count his days.

Harry searched for Hermione, she and Tracey had a very deep friendship and Harry knew that this would devastate her.
"Mione?" Harry asked cautiously to the girl who was sitting at the Gryffindor table, looking at nothing. She turned and looked at him with those eyes. The same eyes he had when Dean died. She hugged Harry tight and cried for her friend. Tracey was not coming back.

"Why didn't you say anything about the dark mark?" Snape asked.
"That would scare the students too early, many would try to train and prepare themselves and I don't want that, Severus." Dumbledore answered.
Severus was one of the only people he trusted as Severus was connected to him. If he did something wrong Dumbledore could report him to the Aurors for being a Death Eater.

"What about the message?" Snape asked.
'You are next Harry Potter'
"I'll talk to Harry the last week of school. Not before then though." It was the fourth of May 1997. He was going to wait a whole month.
"Very well then" Snape said.
"Severus, if Tom calls you, you have to go and report to me." Dumbledore ordered.
"Very well. Have a good night Headmaster." 'I hope that you choke on those damn candies' Snape thought.

He hated that man so much. He ruined so many things. After he told Voldemort the prophecy he felt amazing. But then he thought that a child was about to die. He tried his best to stop Voldemort but nothing worked. So he went to Dumbledore. The man said that he would stop the attack. Imagine his surprise when Dumbledore told him that he was at the house during the attack and didn't do anything to stop Voldemort.

He spent the next sixteen years not knowing what to do and not being able to do anything.
Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table. It was the next morning and Hermione ended up spending the night in his room. Hermione cried herself to sleep and when she was finally resting Harry let himself grieve for his friend. They spent two years together in that place and Tracey was a trusted friend.

Everyone was dressed in black and the Great Hall was decorated with black drapes.
Harry was comforting Hermione as she started crying. Ron was glaring at him but he ignored it.
Adrian was sitting next to him holding Neville's hand. Everyone was shaken a student died in Hogwarts, the 'safest' place in the world.

"I would like to call Miss Granger to say some words." Mcgonagall said.
Hermione got up went in front of everyone and talked about Tracey. Her favorite film, food, song, what she liked to do, some memories about their past but also about the amazing person they just lost. She finished her speech saying that she wouldn't show mercy to the killer. And everyone believed her.

After one minute of silence everyone started to talk quietly as breakfast was served. Some people were talking about the fact that Granger said that Davis was her best friend. Than what was Harry? Her boyfriend?
The rumours about 'Harmony' travelled fast in the Great Hall.

A red headed girl was furious about this. She was prettier and at least didn't look like a boy. She got up and went to talk to Harry. She needed to know if Granger was to be destroyed or not.
(If you don't remember Hermione has very short hair, Ginny is a close minded bi- I mean girl and she thinks that short hair is only for boys to have.)

"Harry? Can I ask you something?" Ginny said.
Harry sighed. He was sick of this girl, one of his best friends died the day before and she thought about flirting with him.
"Sure Weasley." Harry said trying to make her understand that he wasn't interested.

"Are you and Granger" she said the
name with a disgusted voice "dating?"
"First of Hermione is my friend if you want to snob her then do so but stay the hell away from me" Harry said glaring at her so hard that she took a step back "No. We aren't dating, Hermione is like a sister to me. Also I'm gay." Harry finished smirking at her shocked face.

"What?! Are you sure it's not a phase or something?" Ginny said.
Ignorance has no limit apparently.
"Ginny? Are you dumb or stupid?" Lavender Brown said surprising everyone as the two were friends "Being gay or lesbian or whatever is not a phase. Or a disease. That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life!"

"But-It's unnatural!" She argued.
Many were looking at Ginny badly, sexual orientation wasn't an issue in the Wizarding World, everyone was accepted. There were some families that didn't accept it, mostly those who followed muggle beliefs.

"Ten points from Gryffindor for disrupting a solemn day with stupid questions that could wait." Sprout said surprising everyone. She was devastated, Tracey was a Hufflepuff. She wanted everyone to mourn properly and then this girl ruins a serious moment.
"Ten other points for offence against your schoolmates, Weasley, and a 1500 words essay about sexual orientation, transfobia and homophobia." She added.

Ginny flicked her hair and glared at Sprout. "And ten other points for disrespect." Sprout said. Her housemates were telling her to sit down or go away. They lost thirty points and the second place in the house ranking. Ginny exited the room as she understood that this people were too stupid to understand her, she had a boy to conquer.

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