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Hello everyone!
Thank you for reading my story.
I just want to tell you that next week there will be only one update on Tuesday.
Have a good day!
Severus was sitting in his office marking essays. He sighed, every year the students were worse. If Longbottom was a lot to handle then this first years came directly from hell. He drank another coffee and sighed again, he couldn't sleep well lately. 
Suddenly a sharp pain engulfed his left forearm. He was so surprised that he dropped his mug.

He got up and run to his room, he took his mask and left Hogwarts in a hurry.
He appareted outside a beautiful castle. Slytherin Castle. It was enormous, old looking, with a gothic exterior and a stunning garden. He entered the building and a house elf showed him a meeting room.

"Lucius" Severus greeted.
"Severus, it's good to see you" Lucius greeted him back.
"Is the old man bothering you? I told you long ago that killing him was the solution but you Princes are too stubborn" Lucius said.
"It's funny said by a Malfoy, Draco seems to take after his father's stubbornness" Severus retorted thinking about his godson.

Lucius was about to say something when the dark lord entered the room. Severus instantly realised that something big happened. The dark lord was looking like his human self, wearing dark green robes that brought out his blood red eyes. Severus dropped to his knees instantly, he had no wish to

"My fateful followers, rise." Voldemort said looking at his followers "Today we welcome back our spy and potion master, Severus" He added.
Something was very wrong. Severus bowed and greeted his lord.

The dark lord explained what they had to do, organised the future raids and suggested them to find new followers. During the meeting Severus felt his Lord's eyes on him, he started to doubt wether if the dark lord found out something or not. But the dark lord's gaze was not furious, venomous or hostile in anyway so he assumed that nothing bad happened.

The meeting ended but Voldemort asked Severus to stay behind. Lucius left him with a pat on his shoulder and quietly told him to behave.
"Severus please come forward." Severus walked in front of the dark lord. He looked calm and collected but behind his occlumency walls he was terrified.

"You know Severus, nothing escapes from my eyes and ears. I know everything. I knows about the old man." Voldemort said. Severus was thinking about his possibilities of surviving, Voldemort found out in some way. He was dead.

"Do you have anything to say Severus?" Voldemort said moving so close that their noses were about to touch.
'If I have to die then it's pointless lying' Severus thought.
"I am deeply ashamed of myself, my lord" Severus answered "However I do not regret it. I simply tried to save the life of a child. I am ashamed of myself for choosing Dumbledore of all people but not of my actions. I always said that kids must not be touched. And i though that you agreed, my Lord"

Severus was startled when Voldemort bursted out laughing. He waited as the man took a deep breath, wiping away his tears.
"That's exactly why you're my favourite Severus." Voldemort said "I was a tiny bit insane, nothing too bad. If I was sane I would have kidnapped the kid and raised him myself." Severus thought he was dreaming what was happening exactly?
"You're not dreaming Severus." Voldemort said looking incredibly amused. How did he know what he was thinking?

"Are you not mad my lord?" Severus asked cautiously.
"I wouldn't be mad at you even if I wanted to. I believe that you can say that you're the only person the dark lord won't scold, torture or kill"
"I don't understand why my lord" Severus said after a short silence.
"Do you remember when I told you and the others about horcruxes?"
"I do my Lord"
"I re absorbed everything but two: the boy and the ring. That's how I got back my body and my mind" Voldemort said.

Severus was so surprised that his jaw dropped.
"You will catch flies, darling" Voldemort said bringing him out of his stupor.
"Darling?" Severus said. This had to be the strangest day of his life.
'Obviously. You are mine Severus. And if you don't accept me now I have an eternity to convince you." Voldemort said smirking.
"I-Can I think about it?" Severus said still in shock.
"You can do whatever you want, darling. The floo is in the next room" Voldemort answered.

"Have a good evening, my Lord" Snape said bowing.
"It's Marvolo to you. Say it again" Voldemort retorted.
"...Have a good evening, Marvolo." Severus repeated.
"Much better. Have fun with Dumbledore!" Marvolo said as Severus exited the room.

Definitely the strangest meeting he ever went in his life. But was it bad? Definitely not.
Severus felt conflicted, he decided to think about it. Maybe, maybe this was what he needed in his life.

At Hogwarts

"-I really am sorry!" Draco said running behind his mate. Harry was furious. Draco had the audacity to say that word. He didn't say it on purpose but it just came out of his moth, he wasn't thinking about it. Harry didn't really care about insults but Hermione felt attacked and her unstable emotions lashed out again. It was a week after Tracey's death and Hermione was getting slowly better but this destroyed all the work done.

"Say that to Mione. And don't talk to me until she forgives you" Harry said glaring at him before disappearing.
Draco sighed. This was all his fault and he felt incredibly stupid. He went to search for Hermione around the castle and didn't find her. He even asked a Gryffindor if he saw her. He had a big problem.

Hermione ran to an abandoned classroom and closed the door before crying her eyes out. She felt horrible.
Someone knocked the door "Are you all right?" A male voice said.
She didn't answer.
"Okay, I won't come in because it's inappropriate but I'll stay here." The boy said.
She still didn't say anything.
"I see that you don't want to talk so I'll talk. I don't really like silence." And the boy started talking about random things, his hobbies and every now and then he added some questions to see if she would answer.

"I have to leave you, curfew is in a few minutes and I have to get back at the Slytherin dorm. I hope that you feel better."
"Thank you" Hermione said. She felt much better now and it was thanks to this random guy.
"Oh! You want to talk to me?!? I feel honoured." The boy said sarcastically.
"As you should." She said laughing.
"Give me some of your self-esteem. Also I really like your voice"
"Thank you I like yours too."
"Can I talk to you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, same place, same hour"
"See you tomorrow Pretty Voice!"
"See you tomorrow!"

Hermione walked to her dorm feeling better. Draco was waiting for her outside the Gryffindor common room, he apologised so many times that she had to stop him. Everything was fine now.
She went to bed feeling normal for the first time in a week.

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