Cruelty- start part 2

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Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a good Christmas and New Year!

I want to warn everyone that from here onwards the story will get darker, I do not wish to horrify anyone so if you don't feel comfortable about certain topics please do not read from here. There is nothing too graphic but I still warn you in case.
This chapter will be pretty long as I have to explain many things before we really get into the plot.
And lastly, Harry and Draco won't be in this chapter but they will reappear in the next.
Have a good day!

"-my! Mommy!" A young boy shouted as he was dragged by two AMD agents outside his house. It was late at night.
"Please! Let him go! It's not his fault!" The boy's mother begged. Her boy, Erick, was born a magi. He had those devilish powers. She prayed for him to avoid the hellish way he was predisposed to follow. She even saw an exorcist and a priest. She didn't know that the priest reported her son.

She was a single mother from London. She had her son after her manager, she works in a food factory, took advantage of her. She still worked there despite everything, she couldn't afford to lose her job. The manager didn't acknowledge the boy, she had to raise him alone. The manager never stopped raping her and her colleagues, she wasn't the only one who had his children.

Her Erick was taken early in the morning. He was dragged in the middle of the crowd and brutally beaten. She shouted for them to stop but her neighbours started shouting and beating her. After all, she was the one who gave birth to the thing. She was the one who gave herself to a demon and had a son with it.

She watched as the light left his son's eyes, she didn't have time to process his death as life left her too.

The AMD took their bodies and hanged them up in the street.
AMD. Anti-Magical Division. A group of soldiers, police officers and criminals (they were pardoned by the Government as long as they worked for this Division). Their task? Kill every magi, they didn't deserve to live. The governments knew that other magicals were helping them to escape in their world. They, unfortunately, didn't know how to enter that world. But the day they find out, they will get what they deserve.
Last week of June, Paris

All the presidents of the countries involved in the war were present. A live stream was transmitted all over the world. Everyone who had a television was watching. Everyone waited as the president of USA started talking.
"We are here today to declare peace between the Alliance and URSS due to a bigger issue. I, William Jefferson Clinton, president of the United States of America, along with all the presidents of the countries in war will, in this moment, sign the peace treatment."

Th peace treatment was signed. Michail Gorbačëv was the last to sign. It was evident that he wished to continue this war as he won most of the battles but whatever happened convinced him to sign.

Tony Blair, president of Great Britain started talking. This message was repeated shortly after in various other languages, so that everyone could understand.
"Today, the 26th of June 1997, all the soldiers are to return to their homes a they will have a three months break. I'm sure you are all wondering why I speak about a break. Well, I have to tell you the truth." President Blair explained everything, about their discoveries and, as everyone does when a treat is presented, the whole world turned against wizards. They were blamed for the war, for poverty, for the hunger, for everything.

Attacks started all over the world. Stories like Erick's were frequent. Those who were religious were saying that this people submitted to the Devil, they were sinners.
"Those people are going to bring death and convince others to sin" Pope Giovanni Paolo II said.

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