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Hey guys! I swear I'll do my best to finish this story but to tell you the truth I won't be able to update regularly.
I hope that you won't be too sad but I swear I will try!
Have fun!

Harry woke up feeling exited. Today was the day of the trials. He turned around and woke Draco. The blonde was not a morning person but when he realised what day it was he bolted. They dressed in silence, casually helping each other and sharing soft smiles. Harry was wearing a black ceremonial robe with the Black and Malfoy Crest embroidered. This was the first time he was in public with the Malfoy Crest and it is a signal to everyone that he was going to marry in the family. It normally was done when the youngest of the couple was in sixth year as they usually are betrothed.

Harry took Draco's hand before going downstairs to eat. They were all wearing formal robes and Narcissa looked particularly beautiful. She was anxious to see her sister again. His lord was wearing a dark purple robe that made Harry chuckle. The man really loved purple.

Soon enough it was time to go. Harry took a deep breath before going through the floo. He stumbled out and Lucius caught him with an amused smile. He glared at the man. He hated magical transportations.
When everyone arrived their wands were checked and they were shown where the trials would take place. His Lord and Lucius were in charge of casting the imperious as they were the ones who casted it better.

Harry sat next to Draco in the galleries while the adults went in their Lord/Lady seats.
The Chief Warlock, Lady Longbottom, entered and sat in her seat.
"Opening full session 2569 of Wizergamot, on the 29th of August 1997, courtroom three. We welcome Lord Marvolo Slytherin-Gaunt, Lord of the Ancient and Noble house of Slytherin and Noble house of Gaunt."
Lord Slytherin got up and swore the Vow of the Lords (to always do his best for the Magical Community). Everyone stared at him some in fear, others in rage. They thought that he was Voldemort.

"Lord Slytherin-Gaunt, I do know that you are not the Dark Lord but do you have any way of proving it?" Lady Longbottom said exasperated.
"I, Marvolo Slytherin-Gaunt, am not Lord Voldemort, am not a Death Eater and never used my magic to harm anyone. So mote to be!" He casted a simple lumos and everyone stared at him surprised.
Many light Lords started shouting that he was the Dark Lord, shouting bloody murderer and other things. They didn't believe him even after the vow. In the end three Lords were expelled from this session. One of them was Lord Potter. Harry snickered quietly behind his hand, the man was such an idiot.

"Bring the first accused, Lady Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black" the Chief Warlock said.
Bellatrix entered, escorted by two Aurors. She looked bad, very bad but sane surprisingly. There were rumours that said that she always was insane but it was just a bit of Black Madness.
They helped her sit on a chair in the middle of the courtroom. Her eyes darted around and as they landed on her sister she gave a small nod and a strained smile.

"Lady Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, you are accused of being a Death Eater, mass murderer, of breaking the status of Secrecy, of using illegal spells, of using the Unforgivables multiple times, of murdering non-magical people, of attempted murder of members of an Ancient and Noble house and lastly, of seriously injuring members of an Ancient and Noble house. How do you plead?"
"Not guilty." She said with a raspy voice before coughing.
"Very well, administer the Veritaserum."

Bellatrix was given the serum and her eyes glazed over. Lucius was quick to cast the curse and, with the help of the Dark Lord, no one noticed.
"What is your name?"
"Bellatrix Lestrange-Black" She said with a monotone voice.
"Are you a Death Eater?"
"Yes, I was forced by my parents. They said that if I didn't do what they wanted, they would kill me. I was scared so I accepted."
Everyone gasped and outraged shouts were heard. Lady Longbottom had to call for order many times before everyone quieted down.

"Have you ever killed or injured willingly?"
"No, they tried to convince me to kill but I refused and threatened that I would kill myself. After that they started using the imperious on me and my husband. My husband is the only reason why I didn't end my life"
"Were you forced to attack the Longbottoms?"
"Yes, I don't know who casted it. My husband and I were going to tell everything to the Ministry and then move in America where we had a residence. We wanted to live in peace after our experience. When I woke up from the spell I was in Azkaban, along with my husband and my brother-in-law."

"Administer the antidote."Lady Longbottom said.
"Lady Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, you are hereby declared innocent. You will be taken to the hospital and will be healed for free. You will see a mind healer for the next 18 months. You will be given a sum as a compensation. We, the Ministry of Magic, offer you our apologies for ruining you life and promise you justice. Your family is here now if you wish to see them. So mote to be."

Narcissa hugged her as tears run down their cheeks. They missed each other greatly. Lucius was the one who escorted them at the side of the courtroom. Bellatrix refused to leave until her husband joined her. Lucius tried to convince her to see a healer but she refused.

Rodolphus' trial went in a similar way and soon enough he joined his wife. They left together with Narcissa to be checked by a healer.
The other trials weren't as interesting and at the end of the day Marvolo's inner circle was complete again.
Everyone finally arrived home after a tiring day. Lucius and Draco left to see their family while Harry decided to stay at Slytherin Castle. He wanted to give them some family time and time to heal.
He helped his Lord to make sure that everyone was settled. The DE who didn't have a family to look after them were welcomed at the castle.

Dolohov and Mulciber were the most affected by dementors but they surprisingly recognised their Lord and didn't react badly at Harry.
They were given a dose of dreamless potion as they needed to rest as much as possible.

Harry sat with his Lord for dinner as everyone settled down. He was tired and hungry and he was sure that his Lord felt the same even if he didn't look like it. He went to bed as soon as he finished dinner, he knew that Draco wasn't going to sleep with him today. Even if he was exhausted he couldn't sleep, he missed Draco. In the end he took one of Draco's shirts hugged it close, wrapped his wings around himself and finally fell asleep.

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