Fate doesn't like you

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Hi everyone,
I'M SORRY. I'm sorry to say that this story's ending will be rushed. I don't have any more motivation but I want to finish it. I'll do my best to write at least 4-5 chapters more also because I don't know how to describe war situations.
Thank you so much for reading my book and have a good day!
Lily woke up in her new flat. She was kicked out after her divorce. James talked about her adulteries and was able to prove that they happened therefore she didn't receive a lot of money. She tried to make the judge sympathetic but James talked about Hadrian's abandonment and her responsibility in the matter. She was lucky that she wasn't sent to Azkaban, she had to pay a fee that amounted exactly the same money she was given for the divorce.

She was forced to find a job and call a couple of debts. She worked in Nocturn Alley as a cleaner for a couple of shops. Everyone who saw her would either sneer or say bad things. Even those filthy creatures dared to look down on her!
None of her previous friends wanted to talk to her, even Alice left her. She sat thinking about her words: You don't realise what you did to your own son. You disgust me Evans.
She didn't understand. Ok, the brat had a bit of difficulties but everyone does! What is so special about Hadrian?

She signed before getting up. She felt a bit dizzy. She has been feeling bad for almost a month. At first she thought that she was pregnant and panicked but a simple test showed her that she was off track. She went to a healer who told her that there wasn't anything wrong with her. She knew that Hadrian had something to do with this, she was sure.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT" She screamed frustrated. Before she could say anything else, air seemed to lack. She couldn't breathe. She felt like she like drowning. She tried to call for help but no one heard her. Soon enough consciousness slipped away as Death collected her corrupted soul.

"You got what you deserved, mother. I gave you a chance to see your wrongs but you decided to stay blind and blame others. Fate is above us, no one can defy her, she didn't want you here so she got rid of you. I feel pity for you, for what will happen to your soul. Goodbye mother. May lady Hecate bless our souls" Adrian was sitting in front of his mother's corpse, disillusioned. He saw her die, he knew that this was going to happen.

After his father went to talk to him and his family, he performed an old ritual that judged people's souls. Fate was the judge, she chose what punishment to give and she chose who was worthy and who wasn't. Adrian wanted to give his mother a chance, if she was worthy, if her soul was pure she would have been spared. Unfortunately she wasn't.
The Daily Prophet was mostly concentrated on the trials of the previous day but a short article about Lily Evans' abrupt death was in the last page. Apparently the lack of money and humiliation pushed her to end her own life. She was found dead in her bathtub in her flat. Her funeral was the 7th September.

Hadrian red the article and immediately knew that something was fishy. Lily was delusional, she probably thought that one day James would go back to 'save her' and be her hero. She would never kill herself.
"My Lord? Do you perhaps have anything to do with Evans' death?" He asked. They were the only ones in the kitchen. It was almost lunch time but their guests were still asleep. They needed rest and the potions were knocking them out.

"I do not. She wasn't a threat to anyone, she was useless. She didn't realise that she was a chess piece ad not the Queen. She probably thought that her standing was higher that anyone else and this makes me even more dubious about her death." Marvolo answered Harry looking up from his charms book. It was a book written by Rowena Ravenclaw and he found it by chance in a pawn shop.

"It looks like a well covered homicide to me. I don't know who would kill her though." He mumbled to himself.
In that moment his owl, Hedwig, entered the room. She gave him a letter and he fed her some bacon left from breakfast.

Dear Harry,
It's been a long time hasn't it? I saw the articles about you and I want to congratulate you on them.
How are you doing? I know that your 'friend' presented himself yesterday and that our father was kicked out of the court. I am sure that you laughed a lot, our father may not be responsible for some things but he is still an idiot.
How's Draco? Is he treating you well? I know that he is a good boyfriend but you never know.
Anyway, I am sure that you figured out our mother's death. And you are right, she didn't kill herself. I am responsible for that. I performed a ritual after father came to talk with me and I left the gods to judge her. Her soul was deemed unworthy and was killed. Your thoughts?
Well, I have to go, Neville is going back home tonight and I have a boyfriend to shag.
Lots of hugs

Harry stared at the letter in shock. His Lord noticed his astonishment and asked if something was wrong.
Harry just laughed delighted while giving him his letter. He was rubbing off too much on his brother.

Harry enjoyed this moment, he knew that he might not find any joy in the next months, maybe years. He had to find a way to destroy muggles without starting a war. They cannot lose any more magical blood. But then who would feed the vampires? Maybe they had to find a way to keep a few of them.

"This war cannot start" Harry said to no one when he calmed down. He was going to stop it personally if needed.

It can't be too difficult, right?

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