Kisses, goats, godparents

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Harry was cuddling with Draco in 'their' room, a couple of weeks after their first encounter. They transformed the room in a cosy place with a library, a couch, a desk and some chairs. They warded the room and no one could open it. No one else knew about their place, not even their friends.
Harry presented Draco to Hermione, Tracey and Adrian, his friends had fun threatening the poor boy. Draco avenged himself though: Theo, Blaise, Pansy and Daphne told Harry many stories about Draco's family. Harry was terrified by Narcissa Malfoy and hoped to never piss her off.

Harry sighed happily as Draco played with his hair.
"Have you ever tried to tame the beast?" Draco asked referring to Harry's hair.
"Don't call my hair a beast! Also you like my hair like this." Harry said smiling cheekily.
"I created this monster" Draco said dramatically.
"Oh shut it!" Harry said hitting his arm.

"Drian? Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, of course." Harry answered looking at him.
"What happened with the Potters? It's ok if you don't want to answer" Draco said realising that this topic was a bit touchy.
"I-It's fine" Harry said smiling sadly. "My mother, Petunia, is Lily Potter's sister. Mom was jealous of Lily because she never got into Hogwarts but growing up she realised what she had and everything she could achieve without magic. She understood that happiness was something else" Harry said smiling a bit.

The smile soon disappeared and he continued his story.
"Lily abandoned me after Adrian 'defeated' Voldemort and Mom took me in. She brought up Dudley and I exactly the same way. She always said that I was her son no matter what." Harry said not realising he was crying.

Draco gently wiped away his tears looking at him with sad eyes "I would have loved to meet her, she sounds like an amazing mother"
"She was." Harry said smiling "I can show you some photos if you want"
"I would love too"

Harry showed him all their photos, explaining what happened and when the photos were taken. Draco listened to every word and tried not to be distracted by his mates beauty.
"-And that was the last one. Dad went to war three days later and we were never the same" Harry said closing the album.
"Dray? Are you ok?" Harry asked.
"I'm fine just thinking about how much I want to kiss you right now."
Harry blushed a bit "I'm not opposing. I-I want to kiss you as we-"

Harry wasn't able to finish the sentence as Draco kissed him, his warm lips on his. It was short and sweet. Harry loved it.
"I'm sorry but you're too cute when you blush" Draco apologised.
"No it's fine. I liked it." Harry answered blushing again.
"Can we kiss again?" Draco asked and Harry just nodded.

They spent the afternoon kissing, talking, cuddling and kissing again...

Dumbledore sat in his office waiting for Severus while thinking about the last few days.
The boy was not a Griffindor! How could the savior be a Ravenclaw? He was supposed to be brave and malleable not smart, or worse a bookworm! Something was wrong. He should have just killed the boy while he could.

He was going to Grimmauld Place for an order meeting. They were going to talk about the situation with Tom and about the twins. Adrian was perfectly fine. He should have fought for his place and hated his brother! He needed them to separate so that he could be the peacemaker! He didn't manipulate Adrian enough but he was sure that a good talk and a compulsion would work.

"Headmaster." Snape said entering the room.
"Ah! Severus, my boy. Lemon drop?"
Snape refused, he hated those candies and was convinced that something was inside them.

They used the floo to reach the house and found everyone waiting for them.
"Hello everyone and thank you for being here. I'm sorry but today I have some concerning news to share." Everyone started whispering and wondering about what happened.
"What happened headmaster?" Auror Shacklebot asked.

Dumbledore sighed heavily "Yesterday Ron Weasley came to talk to me. Apparently he saw Harry with Draco Malfoy walking together" Gasps were heard and many had a concerned look.
"That dark spawn must had manipulated the boy" Molly said sad and angry.
"Have you even ever talked to Hadrian? No? Then who are you to say anything about my godson and his friendships? Or are you forgetting that Draco grew up with me and Remi while Narcissa was ill?" Sirius said pissed.

Narcissa unfortunately had some complications during Draco's birth. She fell ill and had a very long recovery. During the first four months Draco was brought up by Sirius and Remus and they often babysat him until Hogwarts. They spent holidays together and often got in touch by letter.

"Sirius you need to understand that everyone is evil by birth or at least has a predisposition for it" James said as others nodded. Tonks looked at them disgusted not saying anything. She was speechless.
"Then I'm evil too?" Sirius asked incredulously. No one answered.
Sirius got up, took his sleeping five year old daughter Cassiopea from Tonks before speaking "Everyone get out of my house, you are not welcomed here anymore." Everyone was shocked while getting out. Tonks gave them a hug, kissed her goddaughter and exited as well. Dumbledore tried to convince him but Sirius didn't even answer him.

Only James and Lily were left.
"I said everyone, what are you doing here?" Sirius said getting angry.
"Oh come on Siri, we have been friends sin-"
"We. Don't. Care. Get out. You've known us for years and you still have prejudices? You disgust me. You're not my friend nor Siri's anymore if you've ever been one. We stayed with you despite everything you did to my cub. We wanted to forgive you but this is too much. Now move before I expel you from the wards, my daughter is sleeping." Remus said his amber eyes glowing faintly.

Lily and James exited the house with their noses stuck in the air, saying that they would go back begging.
"Papa? Where is auntie Tonks?" Cassy asked rubbing her eyes sleepily.
"She's coming back tomorrow, she went home, she was tired just like you princess."  Sirius answered.
"Ok! Tell her to bring more...candies" Cassy said yawning and placing her head on her Papa's shoulder.

Sirius placed her daughter on her bed, kissed her forehead and exited the room after switching on her nightlight.
He went to the living room and sat next to his husband sighing.
"How could they? After all this years?" Remus said his eyes sorrow.
Sirius hugged his husband not really knowing what to say. "At least we found out know, right my love? Imagine if we never found out..."
They spent the evening like that, thinking about their past, their friendships and how humans really suck.

Hogwarts, the next day, breakfast time

Harry was sitting next to Draco at the Slytherin table looking unfazed while talking with Adira. He noticed that everyone was staring at him and Dumbledore looked pissed. The professors apart from Mcgonagall and Snape looked proud. Filtwick was 'subtly' giving him a thumbs up while Sprout was happily speaking to Sinistra. Snape got up and went to Hadrian, interrupting the pleasant conversation Harry was having with Pansy about how to conquer Luna's heart.

"Mr Potter" he spat "Pray tell me what you're doing at the Slytherin table? I'm definitely not colour blind, your tie is blue" Snape said.
"I'm sitting with my friends professor. I'm aware of the colour of my tie." Harry said "Also I prefer Dursley, I spoke with the other professors about it already."

"Dursley? As in Petunia Dursley?" Snape said confused and surprised.
"Yes she was my mother. Why? You knew her?" Harry said a bit suspiciously. His mother never talked about Snape.
"We were neighbours, we basically grew up together. It would be nice to speak to her again" Snape answered truthfully.
"I'm afraid you won't be able to meet her."

"Why not?" Snape asked curious.
"She died during the war, two years ago"
"I'm sorry for your loss. I can give you some old photos if you wish." Snape said completely losing his initial animosity.
"I would love that, thank you. I appreciate it." Harry said smiling.
"It's nothing." Snape said before going back to his place at the head table, thinking about his lost friend.

"Give me my money Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Dray. Pay up!" Harry said with a triumphant smirk. He made a bet with his friends, if he got Snape off his back he would win. And he won. Pansy snorted giving him a sickle, Blaise huffed saying that Snape was probably drunk. Theo hypothesised that Harry and Snape had some secret according. Draco instead didn't pay.
"My money Dray" Harry demanded.
"Oh come on!!" Draco said before giving Harry a sickle. He hated losing.

In that moment the door was slammed open by James and Lily Potter.

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