Escape Route

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Hello guys!
As I said in the last chapter I'll update only today, I'm a bit busy with school.
Have fun and thank you for reading!

Severus reached Hogwarts and went to Dumbledore's office, he had to report about the meeting. He was going to lie about Marv-the Dark Lord's appearance and say the wrong dates about the raids. He had no intention of getting his almost-maybe lover killed.

"Ah Severus, you're back" Dumbledore said in his usual grandfatherly voice. It sickened Severus so much that he wanted to puke.
"Yes" Severus answered simply. He was in no mood to talk with him.
"How was the meeting? Are you alright?"
'As if you care' Severus thought "I'm fine but the Dark Lord organised new raids"
Severus proceeded telling him about the raids, saying wrong dates and wrong people. He didn't mention the plan for Azkaban, he could say that he wasn't told about it. Dumbledore looked at him for a minute before thanking him and dismissing him.

Severus was never so glad of finally being alone. He ate his dinner and took out a bottle of wine. Two bottles.
The good thing about being a Potion Master was the money, even if he didn't inherit the Prince money he still was very rich, he could buy any type of wine. Not many knew but he was a wine lover.

He sat in his kitchen and looked at his notes about a new potion. Severus hated the lotion he had to place in his hair to protect it and finally he found a substitute. It was a potion that reinforced his hair and prevented its death. He had to find a name and publish it. Grey Lotion? Maybe, the colour was a brilliant grey, almost pearly. Grey Lotion it is.

He sent a letter to the Prophet and a letter to the Potion Department at the Ministry. It probably would be announced the next day if everything was alright. He took a shower, dressed and sat in his living room before opening his wine. He sat there thinking about what the hell happened that day. Was it worth it? He was a Slytherin and being reckless was not a part of his personality. But someone could be stupid for once, right? It's not like it could be worse than his life right now.

"I don't understand why he lies Fawkes" Dumbledore said to the phoenix who sang a sad song. He was aware of Severus' lies, Severus always looked at him in the eyes and today he did not. Severus knew that he was skilled in Legillimency and knew that he would find the memory in a second. He could have used the life debt to force Severus to say the truth but he wanted to understand what was his purpose. He would wait and see.

It was breakfast time the next day. Harry sat at the Ravenclaw table with Luna, they didn't spend much time together the last week and Harry wanted to talk to his friend. They were having a lovely conversation about gnomes, Luna was more than happy to talk about them.
The owls arrived and a beautiful barn owl flew to Harry. Harry took the letter and gave the owl a piece of bacon. He placed the letter in his bag before exiting the great hall. He went to his dorm and opened the letter.

Dear Harry,
My name is Sirius. We saw each other some weeks ago but I never had the chance to talk to you. I'm your godfather, I think Adrian told you that. I want to say that I knew nothing about what your 'parents' wanted to do, I would have stopped them. My husband didn't know as well. We stopped talking to them for some time but we tried to forgive our friends. Unfortunately they added more reasons to not be forgiven and we simply stopped talking.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything you've been through and I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me.
I knew Petunia as well, she was a bit scared of magic but she was an amazing person. I know that she raised you well. I just want to talk to you and meet you, only if you wish. My daughter, Cassiopea, would love to meet her brother as well.

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