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Ok so, it's almost 1 am in my country but that's not important...
Here is your chapter and thank you for reading!

Harry sighed, he couldn't sleep.
Two hours before everyone went away, he called Mione and spent half an hour talking. Hermione came to see him early, she knew that Harry needed him.

Hermione was laying beside him, she refused to leave him for a minute.
She sighed "You're still up?"
"Can't sleep."

"Are you worried?"
"I don't want to go."
"But we have to Harbear."
"I know I just don't want to be anyone's saviour."
"Than don't be the saviour, be the strict commander-soldier who does his best to survive. Exactly what you are. You don't need to change Harry."
"Thank you Mione, you always help."
"That's what sisters are for."

Harry fell asleep, finally feeling lighthearted.

It was the next day. Harry was inside the Airport waiting for everyone to arrive. 19031987, arrived first. She was a tall girl with long black hair and dark green eyes. Adira Ayad, from Yemen. She graduated from BB three years before and was Commander in Alaska.
The others slowly arrived and Hermione was delighted to see Tracey. She was a spy in China. Unfortunately she was seen with suspicion. That made her work more difficult. This emergency created even more problems for her, she probably would be withdrawn soon.

"Mioneee!" Tracey said before hugging her friend.
"Hello Tracey." Hermione said.
They became friends during the third exam. They had to work together to kill a skilled assassin. Hermione took a stab in her place and Tracey felt grateful.

After everyone arrived, twenty two in total, Harry lead the way to the Camp.
"Everyone you will be living here for the next two weeks. In this period of time we will organise, who will be part of the various houses and your roles." Harry said.
"If you're wondering about the sorting just know that you can influence the hat's decision." Adira added.
"Let's get to work then!" Tracey said cheerfully.
The 1st of April 1997. Harry woke up early to talk with Adira about the train ride. They still weren't sure about how to pose themselves, they weren't sure that the hat would listen to them, they couldn't risk to act like a Slytherin and be sorted in Hufflepuff. They decided to ward their compartments so that no one could enter.

Harry sighed while dressing in his robes, he had no desire to deal with children. Well, some were his age but their maturity was different. Also he wasn't looking forward to all those lessons he knew already.

He went downstairs and found everyone ready. It was 9:15 when they departed. They reached the station in a blink.
They disillusioned themselves before entering the train. They took four empty compartments and made them invisible and impossible to open from outside. They added a repellant charm just in case.

The ride was peaceful, as expected no one bothered them. They changed in their uniforms before exiting the train. They were greeted by professor Sprout who took them to the entrance hall. She briefly explained about houses and sorting. She told them that they would be sorted by a hat that the sorting was in alphabetical order.

They waited for their sorting and observed their new schoolmates. Everyone was curious about this new students. Some were searching for the real boy who lived. There were rumours that stated that they looked very much alike but their personalities were different. Everyone couldn't wait.

"Today we welcome some students that had no possibility of attending in the past few years due to the war. They self studied so don't underestimate them" McGonagall said.
"Ayad Adira"
"SLYTHERIN" Her table clapped politely.
"Davis Tracey" Many knew her name as her father was a pure blood.

Many names were called. Hermione went to Griffindor, Harry knew that she was the only one who could handle them. She was a very patient person.

"Potter Hadrian" McGonagall said with shock written in her eyes. Everyone looked at him, the differences were little but evident. Everyone was sure that he was going to be a Griffindor, as every other Potter.
Oh well...ups.

Harry was the only one who had a real passion for books and he was also very perceptive. Ravenclaws were difficult as their curiosity found no limit. He was the only one able to tollerate them.

The table cheered for their savior. Everyone was asking him questions: he answered everything he could but refused to answer any question that had something to do with Voldemort or his private life.

Everyone was looking at him but Harry felt fine, he lived two years knowing that other people saw him constantly. He did feel the burning gaze of someone.
He talked with everyone while searching for the person. Not a Griffindor and not a Hufflepuff either. A Slytherin. That was complicated as he couldn't see them from his position.

The feast was soon over and everyone went to the common rooms. Harry was shown his room, he took a shower, changed and went to bed. He called Hermione but didn't get an answer. She probably was rooming with someone else.
He was lucky to be alone, Ravenclaws weren't many so they could live in singular rooms.
Harry closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He never fell asleep.

"Blaise. Blaise!"
"What?" Blaise answered irritably while watching the Potter twin get sorted.
"It's him." Draco said.
"Oh no way." Blaise was incredulous.

"Oh come on Blaise, it was obvious that his mate would have been a Potter since he always talks about Adrian" Pansy said rolling her eyes.
"I-That's not true!" Draco said trying to defend himself.
The look on his friend's faces said something else.

"Merlin. I have to tell my father, I don't think that he will be happy." Draco sighed.
"Veelas can't choose their mates right? He can't do anything." Pansy reassured him.
"Besides Barbie Doll will probably approve. He's hot. Just hope that he's not a Griffindor." Blaise added.
A low growl escaped Draco's lips and Blaise instantly realised his mistake and apologised.

"Here you go. How lucky." Pansy said as Draco sighed in relief.
"A ravenclaw? Seriously? Like, since when do you even look at ravens Dray?" Blaise asked.
"Oh since now." Blaise glared at him while Pansy laughed.

Draco spent the whole dinner looking at his beautiful mate, Blaise had to remind him to eat. 
"Is he daydreaming or something?" Daphne asked puzzled by Malfoy's behaviour.
"No, just thinking about all the things he will do with his mate... yeah, daydreaming" Pansy said exasperated.
"His father definitely won't hear about this" Theo joked.

Draco went to bed feeling exited. He wrote a letter to his parents telling them about the news, he was sure that they would request a meeting soon. Wait.
But if Hadrian rejected him?
Draco shoved away those thoughts, he was positive and his mood was not going to be ruined.

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