Looks and Mates

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Harry was waiting outside the Great Hall. Hermione ordered him to wait for her. That girl was bossy.
The last night was fine for Harry, he was still thinking about dinner though, about the person who was staring at him. There was no hostility, but something else, something he couldn't pinpoint. He was going to sit opposite to the Slytherin table to have a better look.

"Harbear." Hermione greeted him.
"Mione. How was your night?" Harry asked genuinely curious.
"It was fine, Griffindors are extremely friendly. And apparently Ron Weasley is trying to hit on me" Hermione said barely concealing her laugher. Hermione was very, very picky about boys. Her standards were so high that they could reach the sky.
"Poor boy."

They entered the Great Hall and Harry sat beside Luna while Hermione went to her table. Harry talked to Luna the day before and he was intrigued by her character.
"So the weasel likes bushy squirrels?" Luna asked.
"Apparently they are his favourites." Harry said amused.
"Did you know that Dragons like you?" Luna said randomly.
"I never knew. I will remember that."

He watched as everyone slowly entered, studying their faces and trying to remember them. And then he entered.
He knew very well who he was.


Harry woke up feeling strange and a bit lightheaded. He groaned in pain as he got up.
'31101981 please reach the infirmary for an urgent visit. The code is '111'
Harry did as told and went trough the door. He reached the infirmary where a doctor was waiting.

The doctor looked at him surprised and even took off his glasses.
"Oh! I never saw a Veela in person!" The doctor exclaimed.
"Sorry? A what?"
"Apparently you went through your inheritance yesterday. You're a Veela! How fascinating"
Harry didn't know what to say.

"I'll give you some books about your creature so that you won't be too lost. Do you wish to know your status?"
"My status?"
"If you're dominant or submissive Mr. Potter"
"I-yes I do"
"Well from your wings' conformation it seems that you are submissive. Congratulations!"

"WINGS?" Harry said looking frantically at his back. And they were there, big white wings with touches of silver. Harry was stunned.
He tried to move his wings and found himself  in the air. In that moment Harry fell in love with flying.

Harry read trough all his books and even skipped class. The system didn't electroshock him surprisingly. He told Hermione about it even after the doctor suggested him not to.The doctor told him that it was dangerous for him to talk about it until he found his mate. Subs were constantly in danger as sub Veelas could mate with other creatures, and their children were naturally stronger than others.

Harry sighed, everything had to happen to him?

End of flashback

"Oh! The Dragon is here" Luna said dreamily.
"You know?" Harry asked getting nervous.
"I see auras and sometimes I see memories. Of course I know" Luna said to him in a low voice.
"Do you know his name?" Harry asked failing to look disinterested.
"Draco Malfoy" Luna answered.
Harry watched as Draco sat at his table. Green definitely suited him, maybe something darker in color would bring his eyes out...

Draco looked at him. Harry quickly looked at his plate and started eating slowly.
Luna giggled beside him and Harry glared at her.
"Stop laughing like a hyena, Luna" Harry said embarrassed.
"You're the big bad commander" Luna said sarcastically "Come on, go and talk to him"
"Are you insane? I-Luna! Come back here!" He whisper-shouted as Luna got up and walked toward the Slytherin table.

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