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Hello everyone! So this is the chapter, I'll post on Tuesday too. Tuesday's chapter will be the last of this year, I'll update on the second week of January.
My break from school starts the 23 and finishes the 10/01.
Thank you for reading and have a good day!

Sirius was hiding behind a tree, hiding from his daughter. They were playing hide-and-seek and Cassy was searching for him.

They were spending the holidays at Black Manor, a house they usually used for Yule holidays. They were redecorating Grimmauld Place, the goblins were taking care of it. It was expensive but worth it. Cassy was getting affected by the magic in the house. She was a dark witch and the magic shouldn't have affected her but his amazing mother decided to curse the house! And Kreacher helped her of course.
Furthermore Sirius was sick of those colours, he wanted brighter colours in his house.

"Found you Papa!" Cassy said laughing.
"Oh no!" Sirius said tragically.
He realised that everyone was found: Him, Remus, Tonks, Neville and Adrian.

Adrian came to spend the holidays with them as he refused to spend time with his birth giver and sperm donor. Neville was visiting him as he missed his boyfriend. His Gran was more than happy to get rid of him for a few days. Adrian was furious when he found out what Dowager Longbottom used to do to his beloved. She knew very well that Adrian hated her and she sincerely couldn't understand why. She was convince that everything she did was to discipline his nephew and not abuse...

"I caught brother Adrian first! It's his turn!" The young girl said happily.
They were about to play again when Dippy, their house elf, said that there was a guest.
Cassy pouted when her Dad said that they had to go inside. Tonks gave her a candy and the girl's mood improved instantly.

Remus was the first to enter the living room, everyone was behind him laughing and joking around. Adrian managed to stay behind the group and steal a kiss from Neville. The shy boy didn't like public affection he always felt embarrassed, the maximum was holding hands.

Remus stopped as soon as he saw who it was.
"What the-? Why are YOU here?" He said furious. His amber eyes glowing, Moony was mad.
"What's wrong Remy, who is it?" Sirius said as he entered the room before his smile disappeared.
James Potter was there.

Everyone entered the room. Tonks took Cassiopea with an excuse and exited the living room. She suspected that bad things were about to happen, she didn't want a five-year-old to listen to this conversation.

James got up and looked at his best friends and at his son. Adrian was looking at him with hateful eyes. James looked down, he felt his heart break every time he saw that look.

"What are you doing here?" Adrian asked as he unconsciously placed himself in front of Neville.
"I divorced Lily" James started as the others looked at him suprised "I went to the goblins and asked for a divorce. They told me that I can't file one while under potions and compulsions. I took a test and found out that I've been dosed with Amortentia for more twenty years along with obedience potions, they erased my memories, and blocked my intelligence since I was eleven. Dumbledore and Lily worked together. Don't trust him and I suggest you to go and take a test yourselves.
That said I'm unforgivable, I know that what I did can't be forgiven, I just want to say thank you Padfoot, thank you Mooney for trying to get me to leave Lily after you got to know her. I'm sorry for everything.
Adrian, I'm sorry. That's everything I can tell you. I know that you are mad for your brother but please look at this memory, you will find all the answers. I don't expect you to talk to me anymore, I just want you to know the truth. Thank you for listening" James said. He left a vial on top of a table and exited the house.

Everyone was stunned. Neville was the first to move and take the vial, he looked at Remus who summoned a Pensieve. They all entered the memory and found themselves in Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore sat in his office, Lily Potter and James in front of him. Adrian and Hadrian were sleeping peacefully at home with Alice and Frank. It was the day after the attack.
Peter unfortunately wasn't captured yet but James knew that Aurors would find him.

"Lily, James I am sorry. I wasn't able to protect you." Dumbledore said "But I know that you are responsible parents. You need to help Adrian, to train him and show him love. He needs to learn how to protect everyone because Voldemort is not gone."
It was not a surprise, Dumbledore said that Voldemort wouldn't be easy to kill.

"I hope that you will value the suggestion said by this old man." Dumbledore added with sad eyes. Both Lily and James were quick to answer.
"I see. Then I think that little Adrian, our saviour, will need a lot training and attention. I also think that Harry could be jealous of his brother for his power..." Dumbledore didn't need to finish his sentence.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT. We will raise both our sons, we will raise them the right way and Harry will know about his brother. We will raise them to know about their strength and their weaknesses. Harry will be a powerful wizard, he was the first one to show magic! I'm sure that they will be alri-"

"I told you that it wouldn't work, Headmaster" Lily said.
"Oh well, we tried my girl." Dumbledore raised his wand. Only now did James realise that he was petrified, he couldn't move. And everything went black.

Everyone was back to reality. Sirius and Remus looked at each other. Neville took his boyfriend's hand. And Adrian was glaring at the floor, he squeezed Neville's hand before dropping it. He went away, not looking at anyone.

No one saw him until dinner. No one knows where he went. And no one would know until months later.

"Again!" Voldemort said. Harry was exited when Voldemort told him that he would train him. But this was not what he expected.

His Lord tested his level and knowledge about spells before he asked Harry to cast a simple stupefy. It's been an hour since he started and he is still making a mistake he doesn't know.

"Can you at least tell me what I do wrong?" Harry said exasperated.
"You have no intent. You aren't trying to stun your opponent you are just doing what I say." Voldemort said.

Harry understood and finally got the spell right. He finally got it. He was satisfied.

Until Voldemort started correcting his diffindo.

It was going to be a long long summer.

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