Difficult moments

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Hi everyone!
I'm deeply sorry for not updating but school is destroying me. I'll try to update as much as possible but the days I update are probably going to change. Some weeks I'll update two or three times but the weeks I have tests I will update only once. I'll tell you in advance when I update.
Again I am sorry and I hope that you will like this chapter.
Have a good day!

"They want my Hadrian do what?" Voldemort said as his magic started to flair up.
"My lord, Minister Bones tried to convince them to let Hadrian finish his school year at least. Hadrian is not a minor anymore but he is still a student. When she said this, the ICW objected because apparently those who graduate from Hadrian's previous school have completed their education already. To be given a high grade you have to have finished your education."

"What was he doing in Hogwarts then?" Voldemort asked. He had a bad feeling about this situation.
"Apparently, the muggle governments feared that you would try to take their world. So they sent their soldiers to make sure that no student joined you and to be able to help those who were in dangerous situations. Meaning they were to intervene in our raids."

"Tirpy." Voldemort said calmly.
"Yes, Master Voldeemourt?" The house elf answered.
"Call for Hadrian please."
"Yes, Master" She answered before popping away.

Harry entered the room. He found it full of Death Eaters and the air was tense. His Lord looked calm, but his eyes were cold and very angry.

"My Lord? You called for me?"
Voldemort raised his wand at him. He didn't move. He had a feeling that this was going to happen.
"I'm sorry for this Hadrian, but I need to know. Legilimens!"

Harry didn't try to push his Lord away, firstly because it would hurt and secondly because that would mean he had something to hide.
Harry saw his thoughts swirling around quickly. He saw his beloved family, his childhood, his training, his fights, his mate, everything. He didn't know what his Lord was searching for and his head was starting to hurt. He hoped that he would find it quickly.

Voldemort left his mind. He took a deep breath before speaking " Why didn't you tell the truth?"
"I never lied and you know that, my Lord." Harry said. He hated liars and he wasn't one.
"I do know. You could have talked from the start."
"And what? You would have killed me the very same moment, wouldn't you? Don't lie to me" Harry said.

"I would have." Voldemort answered truthfully.
"And you expected me to come to you and tell you that I was sent here to stop you? You thought that I would risk Draco's life?" Harry asked.
Voldemort looked at him for a long time. Harry could see that the man was conflicted about something.

"You are intelligent but slyness is not your thing. That was very stupid. You know that I value truthfulness and honesty. You knew that I wouldn't have trusted you and that would be placing you in danger. Well, I saw your mind and you are a person to trust but you will have to vow that you will never betray your race and go back to muggles." Voldemort said.

"Very well I will do it but I warn you if you try to hurt my family I will not respect the vow even if I have to lose my magic. And I will destroy the whole world if needed." Harry said seriously as his eyes started glowing.
"Very well" Voldemort answered.

Voldemort just looked at Harry. He saw a lot of himself in him and they had a similar childhood. They both were abandoned and they both lived through a war. They had many differences but he really cared about Hadrian. He was not going to tell him (for now) but he wanted Hadrian to succeed him in his place as Dark Lord. He knew that Hadrian had the potential to surpass his power and he had great leading skills. He was not ready though, he had a lot to learn including keeping in check that temper.

Harry swore his vow as promised and Voldemort accepted it.
"Now Hadrian, it seems that the Ministry has work for you. It appears that you cannot refuse. Severus will explain to you what your new task is." Voldemort said. Harry looked at his Potion professor and waited for the man to talk. He knew that this was an occasion for him to fulfil Luna's suggestions and he was not going to waste this opportunity.

"Professor Snape" Harry said respectfully.
"Mr Dursley. Minister Bones announced that during the International Magical Meeting the Assembly (the ICW) decided to creating an army for every country and to have a commander who has already worked with muggles. They want you to lead the British Squadron"
"But I am a student? Can't they find someone else?" Harry asked.
"Your status, your grades and your previous position make you the best choice. It is also well known that you were one of the only commanders who didn't have problems with his previous squadron. In addition very few of your people died when they were lead by you and they don't care that you are a student as you are emancipated." Snape answered.

"Shit- I forgot about that" Harry muttered.
"Language Hadrian/Mr Dursley" Snape and the dark Lord said at the same time. Harry glanced at them before an idea formed in his mind, he never expected this 'paring' but he was happy for his mentor.
"Sorry. I can't refuse then?" Harry said frustrated, he didn't want to leave his mate here and he knows that Draco would never let him go alone.
"No, you can't." Snape answered.
"Thank you for telling me Professor" Harry said sighing, he ad to talk to Dray first thing first.
"You are welcome Mr Dursley and good luck telling Draco"
"If you hear something breaking or shouting don't worry it's Draco" Harry said to no one in particular.

Harry saluted his Lord before exiting the room and walking quickly to the garden. Draco usually sat outside when he wasn't at Hogwarts helping the muggleborns. Narcissa was a healer and Draco planned on following his mothers footsteps, he was already skilled and the Ministry needed as much help as possible. It was the Medical Department that sent a letter to him saying that he should take a test to become a certified mediwizard. He obviously passed the test and was soon hired to work at Hogwarts. He worked alongside with his mother, Snape, Pompfrey and a healer from Saint Mungo's.

"Oh, hey Drian" Draco said before getting up and kissing him. Draco's eyebrows furrowed "what's wrong?"
"Can we go to our room first?" Harry asked.
"Of course" Draco answered trying to read his mate's face without success.

They reached their room quickly and sat on their bed. Harry took a deep breath before explaining what happened and what was about to happen.
Draco's face was slowly becoming redder and redder. His magic started coming out in waves, his grey eyes glowing and his wings came out. The building started shaking as objects started breaking and shattering.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy calm down!" The ground finally stopped shaking.
"You are not going anywhere without me Hadrian." Draco said.
Harry sighed "Never planned to. You didn't let me finish."
"Sorry." Draco apologised as his wings retreated.
"It's ok, I knew that you wouldn't be happy."
"So what do we do now?" Draco asked.
"We try to save our world obviously." Harry answered solemnly.

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