Slytherin's hidden Library

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Harry kept searching for days. Sometimes taking pepper-up potions or using timeturners.
Draco was particularly worried about Harry's behaviour. He was scared that Harry would overwork himself.

He wanted to help Harry but their Lord said that this was Harry's task to accomplish and implied that if he was able to complete it he would be getting a big reward.

Said boy was currently searching inside his Lord's library at Slytherin Castle. It was the 9th of September, and Draco already left for Hogwarts.
Harry was forced to decline the offer of an additional year as his role of commander would take a lot of time. Besides he wanted to finish this task as soon as possible.

Harry was searching a book that was mentioned in one of his ancestor's diary. More precisely in Charles Aldrich Audrey Potter's diary almost 600 years ago. The book was written Curses and Deaths and was written by Salazar Slytherin himself.

I'm his diary Charles said that the book was pure evil and that it contained a ritual to kill an enormous number of people. The ritual had to happen during Samhain and it involved two wizards with a large magical core and a deep hatred for the victims.

The victims' life force would be stripped away and freed in the environment making it grow healthier and fixing any mistake made by humans against nature. Slytherin invented it because he thought that men were going to destroy everything Lady Hecate created.

Charles was definitely against such brutality but Harry knew that this was the ritual they needed to free wizards from muggles.

The problem was that the ritual involved a potion and a rune circle that weren't mentioned in the journal. Harry tried to find it in Knocturn
Alley, and even contacted several libraries worldwide. Every single expert told him that the book was hidden in Salazar Slytherin's "lost" Castle. So here he was, searching the whole library for secret passageways. He found nothing obviously.

Harry walked out dejected, thinking hard about where the book was. He didn't see the armor he stumbled into. He got up quickly and took out his wand to clean up the mess he made. Until he noticed the door behind the armor.

It was concealed by strong wards that prevented outsiders to enter. Harry was lucky being a Parseltongue made him 'family'.
Harry sent his Lord a patronus saying that he found a hidden room. His Lord arrived less than a minute later and quickly opened the door telling Harry that questions could wait.

They entered together and descended the stairs.
They arrived into a spacious room that was a bit dusty. It was a little library, maybe 30 tomes, with a small sitting area.

Harry moved to the books and found book made by Slytherin, but also Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.
'This books are worth a fortune' Harry thought as his Lord picked a couple of books.

Harry himself quickly remembered his task and searched for the book. It was a thin book the title written in Parseltongue, stating clearly for whom this book was intended.

"My Lord" Harry called.
His Lord turned bright red eyes toward him.
"I have found it" Harry said as his face broke into a grin. His Lord just smirked before calling for his Death Eaters.

"Oh and Harry?" The Dark Lord said as they were exiting the library with a bottomless bag full of precious books.
"Yes my Lord?"

"This is your reward. You deserve it. Don't think that our training is done because I gave you this, you still have a long way ahead of you. But for know, be proud of your standing." His Lord gave him a little red box before leaving him confused in the hallway.

He opened the box and found a beautiful silver ring, shaped as a serpent rolled up into himself with bright green eyes that glowed in the sunlight. It was the Slytherin Heir Ring.

Harry gaped at the ring before slipping it on his middle finger. He felt the magic wrap around him and he smiled.

Maybe life was not so bad.

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