End part 1

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Hermione was resting in her room while reading letters. She received a lot of letters during her stay in Diagon Alley. All the muggleborn soldiers were living there for the summer, they had to be ready to jump in action if something happened. They all shared a room with someone else, she was lucky to share with Adira. She was the tidiest person in the world.

She was reading Harry's letter when she heard a bomb blast, followed by shouts of help and pain. She stood quickly and ran outside while sending a patronus to Sant Mungo's and the Aurors. All of her colleagues were going outside like her. Adira was ordering people to take their weapons, they didn't know who their enemy was.

' A Ruhrstahl SD 1400 from the sound of it' Hermione thought. Those were bombs the Allies used. They started using them after West Germany joined the Allies.

Something was wrong. Very wrong.



It was a NATO meeting in London. No one knew about it and no one would ever know.

UK called an emergency meeting as they found concerning news: they noticed that many people, mostly kids, were disappearing and reappearing only in the summer and some in the winter holidays. Every single agent who followed one would come back without his memories.

The English Intelligence started searching for past cases, they found plenty of those kids. Some went back 'there', others were working in London and other cities. They decided to search for them and ask them some questions. They all refused to even acknowledge them.

Until they met him, Ryan Stinson, a 20 year old American boy who was a soldier in Alaska. His family died in an accident that was never cleared. No one knows what really happened to his parents.

Agent Mila Silva, from Portugal, was sent to talk with him. The boy was more than happy to talk about 'wizards'. She recorded everything, she knew that no one would believe her if not. Ryan showed her his wand and what he could do. Apparently he graduated from the most important 'Wizardry' school. Silva reported back and her superior contacted the General.

"Reagan, we know that! They will kill us as soon as we appear, or they will erase our memories! We don't know how much power they have and what they can do" Mitterrand, the French president, said with a heavy accent.

The debate went on for days until they finally decided to erase those 'abominations' from the world. They would use them for experiments, study them and then strike. If some war came up they would be sent at the front, if nothing happened then they would be terminated in another way.

And so, places like Baker Barracks were created. They simply trained people that were going to die. If they survived those 'camps' they could go and die at the front. No one knew anything. The population didn't know and they probably would never find out.

"16011994. WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY! BOMBS WERE DROPPED IN DIAGON! WE NEED SOLDIERS. OVER" Hermione said on her walkie-talkie. She knew that they needed as many people as possible. She ran and helped healing people. She took kids in shops (those that were undamaged) as all the shopkeepers provided help.

"-NE! HERMIONE?!" She turned around and saw her brother, Draco was a step behind him.
"Report." He said as soon as he saw the situation. He told Draco to get Snape they needed potions for the injured. They had no time for pleasantries they had to work fast and save as many people as possible.
"16011994. Sergent Granger reports. A bomb was dropped 13 minutes ago, I believe it is a Ruhrstahl SD 1400, sir. I counted around 350 injured and I haven't personally seen Notturn alley, Lieutenant Creevy is there, sir." Hermione explained quickly.
"Are you sure about the bomb?" Harry asked as he realised what she was implying.
"Cristal clear sir."

"Very well. Did you call the Aurors?" He said after taking a deep breath.
"As soon as it happened sir, they helped greatly."
"She is taking care of those who aren't injured, sir."
"Very well, go and help the healers. I'm going to see the Head Auror."
"Commander." She saluted.

"Head Auror Scrimgeour." Harry said shaking the man's hand.
"Potter." Scrimgeour started "I was told by some of my Aurors that this is a muggle 'bomb', right?"
"That is right. The situation isn't really clear at the moment but I believe that helping those who survived and identifying those who are missing or dead is more important." Harry exclaimed leaving no space for speculations. This was not the moment.

Harry spent the next two weeks without sleeping a wink. He helped injured people, lead his soldiers as he was the only commander present and tried to find any memory of the bomb. They finally found a 10 year old girl who fortunately survived. She lost a finger and Harry would never forgive himself for that. She saw the bomb in the sky and Harry didn't need another look at her memory to know that it was an Allies'.

1572 people died in the attack, 59 were kids.

This was much more complicated than he thought. He contacted, through secret communication devices, every muggleborn soldier in the muggle world. They managed to help muggleborns run and Hermione took care of them. Harry opened all his houses as they were unused, they all found a place to stay.

The Prophet was, for the first time, saying true facts. Skeeter managed to find old reports about the reunion in 1983. She printed everything, everything they said and what they were planning.

Hate on muggles skyrocketed and for the first time in Magical History, muggleborns weren't looked at with hate but with sympathy. Many purebloods opened their homes for them.

'They wanted to put as against ourselves and they got the opposite. They won't win this. They will die, every single one.' Harry thought. They will perish.

End part 1

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