Everything is fine?

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The next few days went on like that. He would study, try spells, practice and read books.
He received his wand on the third day: 12" flexible, elder wood with basilisk venom and phoenix tears. They used his blood to identify the right components.

Harry hated and loved social hours. He loved talking with his friends but didn't like the Joker game. He was electroshocked seven times. Seven.

He was never nominated Joker but it was complicated to find who it was as the questions were more and more general. He always passed out and woke up in his room feeling perfectly fine.

It was exam day and Harry felt ready. He studied everything and was okay with practice. Spells weren't complicated for him, transfiguration was his habitat and charms wasn't a problem. In potions they studied the various ways to work with ingredients. Harry felt confident and knew that his friends would survive.

'31101981 please enter the exam room. The code is 111111101.'
Harry took a deep breath before pressing the button. A door opened near his wardrobe. The door was red, Harry found it intimidating.

Harry entered the room. He was alone. That was strange.
'31101981 your exam starts now. You will have to use everything you know to win against our collaborator. You may use your wand or any other object in your possession. You pass the exam if you kill him. If you lose you will be killed.'

Harry was terrified. Why? Everything was going well and now he had to kill someone. He was fourteen years old he shouldn't even think about death!
He didn't have time to think about it. He would survive even if it meant killing.

A man entered the room. This time Harry could see his face. He was dressed completely in black, he had a dagger in his hand. The man looked around forty years old but he wasn't sure. Harry saw that the man was more than ready to kill him.

There was a bell sound and the man attacked Harry. Harry managed to move and the dagger grazed his ear. Harry knew that he wasn't stronger that the man so he kicked his groin. It was a dishonest move but he had to live.

The man dropped the dagger and Harry took it. He took a deep breath before stabbing his neck repeatedly. The man dropped dead on the floor.

'31101981 exam passed.'
Harry started crying. A man just died and he was the reason. Blood was stained in his clothes and hands.
'31101981 please exit the exam room'

Harry got up and exited the room. He opened the door to find the meeting room. Others were there. Everyone was in a similar situation, blood stained, some crying, others looked sorrow.

Harry searched for his friends and found Hermione.
'Mione?' Harry spoke in a broken voice. Hermione turned to look at him. Her eyes dull and lifeless. She hugged him hard not caring about anything else.

She tried to console him, she didn't feel guilty for killing that guy, she was worried for her friend. Dean was not back yet but she knew that he could do it.

There was an alarm sound before the voice talked again.
'Congratulations. You passed the first exam. Your next exam will be in two months, the task will be the same but more difficult. You will have to pass seven exams to graduate, if you don't pass them you will be terminated. Today you will have two hours in the meeting room after dinner.'

"Harry? Where is Dean?" Hermione asked as her breathing quickened.
Harry started searching for their friend and couldn't find him. He called his name many times but no one answered.

Everyone was startled when six doors changed from white to black. What was happening?
'The black doors you see are those of the codes that didn't pass the exam. Have a good day.'

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