┃ Here is normality, part two

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Cilla cried out and he hissed:

— Make up your mind, now.

—Okay — she whispered. —I agree to come back to you.

—And be my wife — he said sweetly. — Repeat this.

— Yes, I want to be your wife — Cilla choked out, and he took the ring out and put it on her finger.

— And we have a bride — Elvis smiled broadly and kissed her wet cheek. — You're smart, you know? Every woman dreams of Elvis Presley, but only Cilla has a chance to have him. Let's call them, okay?

Cilla nodded, and Elvis smiled with satisfaction. Then he said in a whisper:

— When they come in here, you are to radiate happiness. We know very well that siblings can read certain signs. One false move and you will lose a loved one tomorrow. We don't want that, do we?

Cilla stared at him in terror like never before.

—After Patti left, I have no inhibitions, honey — he whispered and started toward the door.

As Cilla returned to reality, she knew she should never be intimidated by him. But she was aware of how Patti had finished.

Cilla didn't want to be the second Miss Presley dead, and most of all she wanted to protect her family.

When her parents found out about Elvis' sudden proposal, they were skeptical and tried to talk her out of it.

Michelle, who found out about Elvis' secret - that he was obsessed with his old girlfriend, Dixie, after Elvis and Charlie left and she was left alone with her sister, asked:

— Seriously? The guy took advantage of you, got married, and when your rival is dead, remembered you? And as if nothing else, do you let him back into your life and agree to be his new wife? Are you crazy?

Cilla looked away and quickly removed the stunning diamond ring from her finger. She was holding it in her hand, and Michelle noticed her sister's hand was shaking.

— Cilla? — Michelle looked at her worriedly. — What's going on? Speak ...

— You think I've fallen under his spell again?— Cilla asked almost hysterically. — And how stupid I believed his words, deliberately letting go of what was? What did he do to me? That he treated me like a used toy? You're being frivolous, Mich!

— Then why did you accept his proposal? Did he make you?

Cilla looked away, then took a deep breath. Finally she looked Michelle in the eye and said:

— Yes. I know a little bit, Michelle. Don't ask what I know. But Elvis ... it's not the Elvis you remember. That one was gone. Now there is another Elvis who has no moral barriers.

— It's his problem, you don't have to be stuck in this shit. Give him the ring and ...

— And you want to be dead? Cilla asked softly —Because that's what he's going to do.— It could be me, our parents or one of our brothers.

— You're kidding, aren't you? — Michelle looked at her in disbelief. —He might do some shit, be negative about you, but ... this? Okay, I understand, he has some emotional problems, but for him to be dangerous?

—That's right.— Cilla grabbed her hand and Michelle frowned.

— You're as crazy as he is if you want to get into this shit. Nobody has the right to threaten you or force you to do something, you understand? Tomorrow we will go to the police and get rid of the problem. Maybe Elvis is a celebrity, but the law is the law. And if a celebrity breaks the law, he gets a lesson. He won't poison your life again.

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