┃The King's Rage

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August 18th, 1984.

Gladys sat in the room she had previously occupied in Cilla's house, leafing through the Peter Pan book once again.

This copy will always remind her of Michael.

Michael ... Yesterday she called him and explained her situation. She told without hesitation why she lived in the motel, for whom, what happened to her at the motel.

—Now my stepmother will be in financial trouble — she whispered bitterly. — Because my sick father has decided to punish her by taking me back. Fucked right?

—Your dad's reasoning is weird — Michael sighed. —He should be glad you want to think for herself, and he is boiling with anger and complicating your life.

— He's a control freak. Cilla couldn't take it and left. I am surprised at all that she wanted to be with him. Can love be so blind? He was always cheating on her, he was not hiding with the lovers in Graceland.

— I am sorry to hear it. Gladys, listen ... I'll have a day off in two days, for the first time in a long time! Would you like to spend time with me?

Gladys heart skipped a beat. Was it a date?

—Like a friend — Michael chuckled. —After all, we want to be them, right?

—That's nice of you — Gladys smiled anyway. — Yes, I'd love to see you.

—I can't wait — Michael perked up. —Do you want an amusement park, a movie theater?

— Maybe a cinema? I love watching movies.

— Then it's done, I need to know beforehand. Can I come for you personally?

— Personally? — Gladys's eyes widened. —But with some bodyguard?

—No, alone, in disguise — Michael chuckled. —I don't need my people. It will only be our day together.

—I like it — Gladys laughed. —See you then.

When she said goodbye to Michael, another thought struck her.

She was supposed to spend time with another man, but she really had a good boyfriend.

Jesus, it's just going out with a new friend, no big deal, Gladys tried to convince herself. Your relationship with Dylan is not in danger, you are a happy couple.

Gladys thought back to reality and smiled broadly.

The day after tomorrow, she had a departure with Michael - of course, she hadn't told her sister or stepmother. She hugged the book to her and then the door to her room suddenly opened.

Gladys let the book fall from her hands, and it fell to the floor. Elvis Presley was standing in the doorway, sunglasses on his nose. The daughter's eyes widened at the sight of her father.

—What are you doing here?— She asked, and picked up the book. —Dad?

—What am I doing here?— Elvis laughed ironically and slammed the door until Gladys flinched. — I want to see if this is really happening. By what right did you come back to this house?

— Where was I supposed to live? — She asked angrily. — In a motel, no money? Did you know I was robbed?

—I don't care — Elvis hissed. — Since you're an adult, just take care of yourself.

Because what? — Gladys looked him straight in the eye. — Because I don't let you push into my life? I'm not one of your Mafia boys, Dad!

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