┃What you did not expect

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September 26th, 1984, Neverland, California.

Michael stood in front of the mirror and stared at the top of his head, which bore the aftermath of the accident. In addition to the pain suppressed by drugs, he had to camouflage the burned, bald spots with attachments and a suitable preparation, in the natural color of his hair.

Only then did he feel fully attractive, although he was far from fully accepting himself. In addition, something else was bothering him - light discoloration began to appear on his skin, which began to bother him.

Just as he was looking at his hair, Gladys walked into the bathroom, wearing a white bathrobe. He straightened at the sight of her and brushed his hair back - although she knew about his problem, he felt uncomfortable when she walked in and saw what he was doing.

—Hey — Michael smiled at her. — Did you sleep well?

— Absolutely.— She walked over to him and cuddled up to him. Dressed in only boxer shorts, he hugged her back. He stroked her long blonde hair and kissed her forehead. — I slept so wonderfully that I did not want to get up.

—But you have a reason — he chuckled. —We've got a trip to Vegas, right? Do you want it to be an ordinary trip or maybe something else?

—I've been thinking about your proposition — Gladys looked him in the eye and put her hands on his chest. — I believe that marriage at this age, in the sense of 18, is crazy. Besides, we don't know each other for long ...

—I know that, but it doesn't matter to me. — Michael touched her cheek. — I follow my heart, my dear. If you're technically mine, Elvis will be the big loser. You won't need his money, I'll get you everything. I will give you a safe and happy future.

— But it can be so now that we are together ...

Suddenly Michael pulled away from her and looked at her in disappointment.

— I understand your position - but I was hoping that ...

— That I agree?

He nodded, then raised his hands.

— Let's give it up for now. I respect your decision - after all, I hope you'll really be mine soon.

Gladys nodded and he left the bathroom. She watched him go, feeling he wasn't pleased. But he had promised not to push, right?

I love him, but it is far too early to take such a step. Definitely. I appreciate his willingness and the fact that he wants to take care of me, but he can do it being my boyfriend. Besides, why is he in such a hurry? Incurable romantic or what?

She walked over to the mirror and pushed her hair back. Then a thought struck her.

She always wore long hair - what if she opted for a little metamorphosis and treated herself to a shorter cut? Make Las Vegas the place where the new Gladys Presley will be born.

When she returned to the bedroom, she saw Michael standing by the open wardrobe, examining his shirts. Gladys walked over to him and cuddled up against his back.

— You can't stand a moment without me, can you? — He asked fondly, and she muttered something ykhym, and her hand slid into his buckle. She started to play with it, and Michael chuckled and turned to her. — Who would have thought you were such a lioness. So sweet and adorable, yet hungry for sex.

He attacked her lips and after a while they kissed passionately. As they landed on the carpet, his robe ripped off her, and so did his boxer shorts.

As he lay on top of her and moved quickly to the accompaniment of his own groans and hers, ideas for new songs flashed through his mind. Dedicated Gladys.

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